
Index your hexo website content to Algolia Search.

MIT License


hexo-algolia Build Status

Index content of your hexo website in Algolia and add search within minutes.

hexo-algolia is an hexo plugin provided by the community. This is what you get when you install it:

  1. a new command, hexo algolia, to index the content of your website
  2. a theme helper to include Algolia search client
  3. another theme helper to configure the Algolia search client

👌 The hexo algolia command can be run manually on your computer and on a continuous integration system like [Travis CI][-ci-node].

📜 Browse the CHANGELOG to learn what has changed between versions. ⬢ Compatible with node>=4.0.0.

hexo theme


$ npm install --save hexo-algolia

Public Facing Search Options

You can configure Algolia integration to your hexo website with the _config.yml file:

  applicationID: 'applicationID'
  apiKey: 'apiKey'
  indexName: '...'
Config Key
applicationID  Your Algolia Application ID
apiKey A Search-Only API key
indexName The name of the Algolia index to use

These configuration values are accessible from your hexo theme, to be used with Algolia JavaScript client.

Hexo Theme Setup

Helpers are provided to make your life easier.

Include Algolia JavaScript Client

The algolia_search theme helper adds the Algolia search client to your pages.

<%- algolia_search() %>

Renders as:

<script src="/assets/algolia/algoliasearchLite.min.js" async></script>

Configure Algolia JavaScript Client

You can make your index configuration available to your page and client-side scripts by adding the algolia_config() hexo helper in the <head> of your document.

<%- algolia_search_config() %>

Once done, you can retrieve Algolia configuration by querying the data attribute of the algolia:search meta tag.

const algoliaConfig = document.querySelector('meta[property="algolia:search"]').dataset;

const client = algoliasearch(algoliaConfig.applicationId, algoliaConfig.apiKey);
const index = client.initIndex(algoliaConfig.indexName);

Display Search Results

It is now up to you to use the aforementioned example to trigger a search and display the results in your page.

If you need some help, have a look at the search client doc and the tutorials.

Indexing Content

Content is indexed with the help of the hexo algolia command.

$ ./node_modules/.bin/hexo algolia


A separate API Key must be provided as an environment variable named HEXO_ALGOLIA_INDEXING_KEY. Create it with these limited write access permissions: Add records, Delete records, List indices, Delete index.

$ ./node_modules/.bin/hexo algolia


$ ./node_modules/.bin/hexo help algolia
Usage: ./node_modules/.bin/hexo algolia

Index your content in Algolia Search API

  --dry-run       Does not push content to Algolia (default: false).
  --flush         Resets the Algolia index before starting the indexation (default: false).
  --indexing-key  An algolia API key with add/delete records permissions.
		  It should be different than the search-only API key configured in _config.yml.
  --layouts       A comma-separated list of page layouts to index (default: "page").

Security Concerns

Never store your Admin API Key as apiKey in the _config.yml file: it would give full control of your Algolia index to others and you don't want to face the consequences.

Please read Algolia Security guide thoroughly if you need some more informations about this.
