
A travel website to understand BEM architecture, PostCSS and Webpack.


Travel site

A travel website to understand BEM architecture, PostCSS and Webpack.


See Demo deployed on Netlify


  • developing new features with git branch and integrating them with git merge and --no-ff option.


  • using BEM architecture to organize CSS blocks.
  • identifying design patterns (wrapper, page section, row, columns, etc.).
  • applying PostCSS syntax for nested CSS, variables and mixins.
  • designing with the mobile-first philosophy in mind.
  • handling responsive images with art direction (cropping), srcset and sizes.
  • leveraging the power of flexbox.
  • building a header, a footer, a testimonial section and a features section.
  • creating a primary-nav menu and a sticky header on desktop.
  • adding CSS effects with transition and transform properties.


  • organizing JavaScript code with classes in an Object-Oriented Programming approach.
  • revealing elements on scroll for features and testimonials.
  • limiting function calls with lodash throttle and debounce.
  • showing active link on scroll in the primary-nav menu.
  • building a modal lightbox overlay for getting in touch.
  • splitting JavaScript code to load Modal.js only when needed.
  • lazy loading images with lazysizes.
  • integrating React in an existing project.


  • enabling webpack-dev-server for hot reload.
  • configuring npm run dev and npm run build in webpack.config.js.
  • using mini-css-extract-plugin and cssnano to extract, minify and compress CSS.
  • using html-webpack-plugin to copy index.html with proprer chunkhash for CSS and JS files.
  • using fs-extra to copy assets in docs directory.


  • deploying on Netlify.
  • granting access to a secret area with Axios and Netlify Functions.
  • testing requests with Postman.

Based on Git a Web Developer Job: Mastering the Modern Workflow by Brad Schiff (2019).