
🌀 parse and convert html string to anything



A non-dependecy package for coverting html/xml string to your customized format/structures.

While building websites, people may met issues for rendering rich text into different formats. For example, I've got an <video> tag, but I wanna render it with my own React video component. But I also want to render the whole html easily rather than parse it manually.

Now html2any help you to render html string. It not only parses your html but also gives you ability to transform it from origin to the dest.


html2any provide following APIs

  • AST(Object) parse(String source)

  • void transform(AST ast, function rule)

  • void html2any(html, function rule)

  • parse

Build the AST from source to AST from source html/xml code

  • transform

Convert the AST to the final form with the specific rule.

  • html2any

Convert the html/xml to the final form directly.


npm i -S html2any
import html2any, { parse, transform } from 'html2any'

const html = escapeHTMLEntity(`<div>123</div>`)

const ast = parse(html)[0]

function rule(node, children) {
  if (typeof node === 'string') {
    return node
  } else {
    return <div>{node}</div>

const vdom = transform(ast, rule)
// JSX vdom form of html
// { type: 'div', props: {...}, children: '...' }

Or you can just call html2any directly

const vdom = html2any(html, rule)

How It Works

Use html2any to construct an AST of html string, then convert each node recursively with rule passed to transform function.

For example, we translate <p> tag into React Native component <Text style={styles.paragraph}> with the prepared styles. Then decode the p tag' s content to avoid html entities mess up.