
A web framework based purely on require('http')

MIT License



A web framework based purely on require('http')

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


require('http') is a web framework. All you need are a few small modules that do one thing well when you are building your web application route handlers.

This module aggregates and documents (with examples) a selection of small modules that can be used to achieve this goal.

It's recommended you check out the:

I do not recommend you use this "framework". You should check out the small modules and use them directly. Use the list of examples here for inspiration.

http-framework is an OPEN Open Source Project, see the Contributing section to find out what this means.


Check out the modules folder for an example of small modules you can combine to build your own custom "framework"

See the package.json dependencies hash for an example of many small modules used in the examples folder of this project.

For a complete list of Modules check out the wiki


HTTP workshop

For a tutorial / workshop see http-works

module docs

rest of the modules


For now see the examples folder


express inspired examples

These examples are clones of express examples demonstrating how to author web apps without frameworks.

  • auth
    An example demonstrating how to login and authenticate users
  • auth-helpers
    An example demonstrating how you can restrict certain routes in your
    apps to only be accessed by certain types of users
  • content-negotiation
    An example demonstrating how you can return different types of
    content based on what the user asks for in his Accept header.
  • cookie-sessions
    An example of storing session information in a users cookie
  • cookies
    An example of setting a cookie to track a user
  • cors
    An example of adding cors support to your HTTP server
  • downloads
    An example of allowing users to download files from your server
  • error
    An example of handling errors in your HTTP server
  • error-pages
    An example of rendering custom 500 and 404 pages in your web
  • expose-data-to-client
    An example of putting server side state into your template
    so that it can be accessed from browser javascript
  • hello-world
    A simple hello world example
  • multipart
    An example demonstrating file uploads and saving them to
    disk temporarily.
  • mvc
    An over engineered example of how to structure a slightly
    larger web application. Includes configuration, modularity
    and databases. Take ideas from it, please do not copy paste it
  • online
    An example of using redis and the online module to track
    user presence
  • route-map
    An example of a map utility function that can be used to
    structure your routes differently. This demonstrates you can
    do whatever you want, if you like it, do it.
  • route-seperation
    An example of spreading your route handlers over multiple
  • search
    An example of doing a database query over XHR with a web
    server backed by redis
  • session
    An example of storing information in a session. The session
    is either backed by redis or memory.
  • static-files
    An example of serving static files for your web server
  • vhost
    An example of handling multiple sub domains as seperate
    applications in a singlue web server
  • web-service
    An example JSON REST api web server. Contains API key
    authentication and error handling

Credit for the applications goes to

  • @tj & express maintainers

hapi inspired examples

These examples are clones of hapi examples demonstrating how to author web apps without frameworks.

  • tail
    An example of handling async errors in your applications
    after you have ended the HTTP response
  • validate-api
    An example of how to add validation logic to your HTTP
    route handlers. Both validating query params & the HTTP body

Credit for the application's goes to

  • @hapijs & hapi maintainers

connect inspired examples

These examples are clones of connect examples demonstrating how to author web apps without frameworks.

  • basic-auth
    An example of handling basic authorization style authentication
    of a web server.
  • csrf
    An example of adding csrf security to a form in a web application

Credit for the applications goes to

  • @tj & connect maintainers


  • Finish porting express examples
  • continue porting hapi examples
  • continue connect examples
  • Port koajs examples
  • Port restify examples
  • Port partial.js examples
  • Finish documentation
  • Get community feedback
  • Author new fresh examples


npm install http-framework


  • Raynos
  • Matt-Esch
  • maxogden

MIT Licenced

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