
Speedy colored hexdump

MIT License




You might have ended up here looking for the hex editor HxD. Due to this naming conflict, this package will be renamed soon.

Install via npm

$ npm install --global hxd

CLI Usage

Usage: hxd [options] [file]


  -h, --help      Display help
  -v, --version   Display version number

  -s, --start     Start reading at the given offset
  -e, --end       Read until the given offset
  -l, --length    Read "length" bytes from start

  --color         Render output with color
  --no-color      Force-disable color output
  --prefix        Prefix output lines with a given value
# Hexdump a given file to stdout
$ hxd filename.bin
# Or pipe to it via stdin
$ cat filename.bin | hxd
# Start, and/or end at a given offset
$ hxd -s 512K filename.bin
# This also works with hex numbers
$ hxd -s 0x200 -e 0x400 filename.bin
# Read 1024 bytes from a given offset
$ hxd -s 0xDEAD -l 1K filename.bin
# Read the last 1024 bytes of a file
$ hxd -s -1024 filename.bin

Module Usage

var Hxd = require('hxd')
var hexStream = new Hxd({
  // Deduplicate lines and print "* {lineCount}"
  dedupe: true,
  // Render line numbers (in hexadecimal)
  lineNumbers: true,
  // Render ASCII
  ascii: true,
  // Output with colors (ANSI)
  colors: false,
  // Start line offset
  offset: 0,

fs.createReadStream( filename )
  .pipe( hexStream )
  .pipe( process.stdout )


  • Add command line flags for options, usage & version
  • Add command line flags for start, end, length
  • Add color support (greyed out zeros, line numbers, etc.)
  • Add a screenshot or output samples to the README
  • Display offset in bytes of repetitions instead of line count
  • Improve performance even further
  • Add tests
  • ...