
W3C Web Components Custom Elements for hyperapp

MIT License



hyperapp-customelements is a tiny (3KB) Web Components Custom Elements library based on hyperapp.

Define Custom Elements that:

  • work in all evergreen browsers and IE10.
  • are based on hyperapp so you get
    • a beautifully simple API
    • a functional paradigm
    • immutable state data
    • Virtual DOM updates
  • provide a solid migration path to Custom Elements V1

See it in action here

const define = require('hyperapp-customelements')

const MyElement = define({
  // Required
  name: 'my-element',
  view () {
    // Any `h()` returning function including JSX or a transformed `hyperviews` template

  // Optional
  state: {
    // Initial hyperapp state
  actions: {
    // Hyperapp actions
  constructor () {
    // Wired actions are now available as `this.actions`
  // Attributes to observe.
  // Each item in the array must be a string or an object.
  // Use an object to provide a conversion function.
  // The function is used to convert the value from a string when reflecting to state
  // E.g ['title', { max: Number }, { show: Boolean }, { custom: (value) => {...} }, 'another']
  observedAttributes: Array,
  attributeChangedCallback (name, oldValue, newValue) {
    // Invoked when an observed attribute changes.
    // Attribute changes are reflected to state by default.
    // It's therefore not always necessary to provide this function.
    // Set `mapAttrsToState` to `false` to update state manually.
  connectedCallback () {
    // Invoked when the element is inserted into the document
  disconnectedCallback () {
    // Invoked when the element is removed from the document
  //...any other properties/methods are added to the element prototype

Then use declaratively


or programmatically

const myElement = new MyElement()


const define = require('hyperapp-customelements')

  name: 'x-counter',
  state: {
    counter: 0
  actions: {
    down: value => state => ({ count: state.count - value }),
    up: value => state => ({ count: state.count + value })
  view: (state, actions) => (
      <button onclick={() => actions.down(1)} disabled={state.count <= 0}>ー</button>
      <button onclick={() => actions.up(1)} disabled={state.count >= state.max}>+</button>
  observedAttributes: [{ max: Number }]
<x-counter max="10"></x-counter>


You may notice that the API looks like Custom Elements V1, however the decision was taken to initially target Custom Elements V0 but with a V1 flavour so, when V1 is widely supported, the upgrade will be simple. See this article for more information. Huge thanks to Andrea Giammarchi for all his work in this area.