
Build a realtime index over a hyperdb.



Build an incremental index over a hyperdb.

If you're planning on using LevelDB for storage, consider the wrapper module hyperdb-index-level.

Depends on [email protected] or later for the createHistoryStream API.


Let's build an index that tracks all nodes in a spatial point store, for fast bounding box queries:

var index = require('hyperdb-index')
var hyperdb = require('hyperdb')
var ram = require('random-access-memory')
var GeoStore = require('grid-point-store')
var memdb = require('memdb')


var db = hyperdb(ram, { valueEncoding: 'json' })
var geo = GeoStore(memdb())

var idx = index(db, {
  processFn: processFn,
  getVersion: getVersion,
  setVersion: setVersion

var pending = 0
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  db.put('/nodes/' + i, { type: 'node', lat: i, lon: -i*2 }, function () {
    if (!--pending) query()

function query () {
  idx.ready(function () {
    geo.query([[-10, -10], [10, 10]], function (err, nodes) {
      console.log('query', nodes)


var now = null
function getVersion (cb) {
  cb(null, now)
function setVersion (version, cb) {
  now = version
function processFn (cur, prev, next) {
  if (cur.value.type === 'node') {
    var v = parseInt(cur.name.split('/')[cur.name.split('/').length - 1])
    console.log('process', cur.value)
    geo.insert([cur.value.lat, cur.value.lon], v, next)
  } else {


process { type: 'node', lat: 0, lon: 0 }
process { type: 'node', lat: 4, lon: -8 }
process { type: 'node', lat: 3, lon: -6 }
process { type: 'node', lat: 1, lon: -2 }
process { type: 'node', lat: 2, lon: -4 }
query [ { lat: 4, lon: -8, value: 4 },
  { lat: 3, lon: -6, value: 3 },
  { lat: 2, lon: -4, value: 2 },
  { lat: 1, lon: -2, value: 1 },
  { lat: 0, lon: 0, value: 0 } ]

So here hyperdb-index is acting like a bridge between the raw point data in hyperdb and the much more efficient point storage module grid-point-store.


var index = require('hyperdb-index')

var idx = index(db, opts)

Create a new index. db is a hyperdb instance.

It is the module consumer's responsibility to store the indexer's version of what entry it's indexed db up to. The module consumer controls this by implementing the functions opts.getVersion and opts.setVersion (see below).

Valid opts include:

  • opts.processFn (required): a function to be called to process a new entry in
    db. The expected function signature is function (kv, oldKv, next), where
    kv is of the form { key: '...', value: {} }, oldKv is its previous value
    (null if none), and next is a callback to call when processing of that
    key-value pair is complete.
  • opts.getVersion (required): a function that will be called to retrieve the
    current version of the hyperdb. It has the signature function (cb) and expects a hyperdb version
  • opts.setVersion (required): a function that will be called to store the
    current version of the hyperdb. It has the signature function (version, cb). Call cb once you've stored the version object.
  • opts.prefix (optional): a key prefix to index. If not given, the root key
    '/' is assumed.


Registers the callback cb to fire when the indexes have "caught up" to the latest known change in the hyperdb. The cb function fires exactly once. You may call idx.ready() multiple times with different functions.


With npm installed, run

$ npm install hyperdb-index

See Also
