
CLI for publishing a new change to your hyperdrive and syncing it with remote peers

AGPL-3.0 License



CLI for publishing a new change to your hyperdrive and syncing it with remote peers

How it works

  • Generates a seed for the hyperdrive
  • Uses the seed to generate hypercores for Hyperdrive and set up metadata
  • Whenever you want to sync your drive, you can pass in the secret and a folder path
  • It'll then sync with a remote peer (probably a dat-store instance)

How to use it



  • Run hyperdrive-publisher create
  • Add the URL to your dat-store instance or whatever backups you use
  • Wait for the script to upload data to your backup
  • Save the Seed somewhere to reuse later when you publish
  • Make sure you don't lose the seed because you cannot recover it


  • Whenever you want to update your hyperdrive
  • Run hyperdrive-publisher sync <seed> [fsPath] [drivePath]
  • E.g. hyperdrive-publisher sync f1c681ad2caf09aac2d38adc6a1cc213e7880a9bdfbbc94d81537f3768bc9728 ./example /somewhere
  • This will:
    • Wait to connect to a peer for your drive
    • Make sure the metadata has been synced with a peer
    • Sync data from the ./public folder on your filesystem to the /website folder in the hyperdrive
    • Optionally create a tag
      • Count every block that got uploaded to a remote peer, wait for all the new files to have been uploaded
      • Exit


  • In case you forget your URL you can re-generate it from the seed
  • Run hyperdrive-publisher getURL <seed>
  • E.g. hyperdrive-publisher getURL f1c681ad2caf09aac2d38adc6a1cc213e7880a9bdfbbc94d81537f3768bc9728

JavaScript API

npm i --save hyperdrive-publisher

const {create, sync, getURL} = require('hyperdrive-publisher')

// You can generate a seed yourself
const seed = require('crypto').randomBytes(32)

// Before creating or syncing, make sure to add this URL to a dat-store
const url = await getURL({seed})

// You can do this via the dat-storage-client API
// https://github.com/RangerMauve/dat-storage-client
const DatStorageClient = require('dat-storage-client')
const client = new DatStorageClient(SERVICE_URL)
await client.login(username, password)
await client.add({url})

// This is how you create a hyperdrive
// The URL gets returned in case you need it
const {url} = await create({seed})

// You can run a sync programmatically, too
// The returned diff is an array of changes 
const {diff, url} = await sync({
  fsPath: './',
  drivePath: '/'

const {url} = await getURL({seed, verbose=false})

  • seed must be provided and should be a Buffer with 32 bytes.
  • url will be the hyper:// URL of the hyperdrive that got generated for this seed
  • verbose controls whether there will be console output. By default it's false so that you don't have junk in your logs

const {seed, url} = await create({seed = crypto.randomBytes(32), title, verbose=false})

Creates a Hyperdrive and waits for the initial sync with a peer.

You'll need to use getURL and add it to a dat-store beforehand otherwise it'll get stuck on waiting to get a peer.

  • seed is the seed used to generate the Hyperdrive, this will be auto-generated if you don't provide it, the seed will also be in the return value so you can save it
  • url will be the hyper:// URL of the hyperdrive that got generated for this seed
  • title will be set to the title inside the generated index.json which is used by tools like dat-store to show human readable titles for dirves.
  • verbose controls whether there will be console output. By default it's false so that you don't have junk in your logs

const {diff, url} = await sync({seed, fsPath='./', drivePath='/', tag=undefined, ignore=['.git/**'], verbose=false})

  • seed is the seed used to generate the Hyperdrive, ths must be provided.
  • url will be the hyper:// URL of the hyperdrive that got generated for this seed
  • fsPath is the file path (relative to the current working directory) to sync files from
  • drivePath is the folder inside the hyperdrive you'd like files to be synced to
  • tag is an optional name to tag the drive with so that you can get back to it in the history.
  • ignore is an optional array of strings for files and folders to ignore. Uses anymatch syntax.
  • verbose controls whether there will be console output. By default it's false so that you don't have junk in your logs

Use with Github Actions

You can place [./publish.yml] in your .github/workflows/ folder and add your seed as a secret key called PUBLISHER_KEY in order to publish changes on every push.

Make sure you have the appropriate branch set in the config, the default is default.