
Joining Hyperswarms via WebSocket gateways

MIT License


Hyperswarm WebSocket Bridge

Use a WebSocket gateway to bridge Hyperswarm connections via hyperswarm-proxy to the browser.

npm install hyperswarm-ws


Join a Hyperswarm via a WebSocket gateway. For more, look up the Hyperswarm documentation.

const crypto = require('crypto')
const { ClientSwarm } = require('hyperswarm-ws')

// look for peers listed under this topic
const topic = crypto

const swarm = new ClientSwarm('ws://localhost:4200')


swarm = new ClientSwarm(gateway, [opts])

Create a new client instance that connects to a WebSocket gateway given the a gateway URL. gateway may alternatively be a websocket connection stream (created using websocket-stream).

The class extends HyperswarmProxyClient of hyperswarm-proxy, so it will

  • use the options specified by opts, with
    • opts.pingInterval being the interval used for pinging clients (default: 3500 ms),
  • pass all other opts to its parent constructor, and
  • inherit all instance methods, such as reconnect, join, leave, destroy.

swarm = async createClientSwarm(gatewayUrls)

Given an array of gateway URLs, try all gateways for working connections until the first one is found. Will pass that URL as websocket stream to a new ClientSwarm instance.

If none of the gateways works, an error with err.code = 'EBADGATEWAYS' is thrown.

Running a Gateway

For running a gateway, use hyperswarm-ws-gateway [-p <port>]. Will run a WebSocket gateway on the given port that bridges all incoming WebSocket streams into the Hyperswarm network.