
Embed Iframe to your site and communicate with your iframe super easily.



Embed Iframe to your site and communicate with your iframe super easily.

How to use:

Once you import the script, iFramy will be avaiable in global scope.

Render iFrame:

      containerId: < container_id >,
      url: <iframe_url>,
      debug: < true | false >,
      height: 500,
      eventHandlers: Object,
      onLoad: onLoadHandler      


  1. You can pass set of events and handlers in eventHandlers as key-value pair.
    Example eventHandlers:
  customEventFromIframe: customEventHandler,
  someOtherEventFromIframe: someOtherEventHandler 
  1. Send message to iframe:
iFramy.sendToIframe({ eventType, data, targetOrigin })

Troubleshoot known issue:

Height: Setting height of iframe in host site is always tricky because of unknown content height. There is a default handler in iFramy to set height. You can check height in your iframe by adding a resize listener and send it back to parent by:

window.addEventListener("resize", ()=> {
  // get and set height
    eventType: 'setHeight',
    data: { height }
  }, '*');