
Firefox and Chrome extension for boards.ign.com


IGN++ is a free Firefox and Chrome extension which makes life easier on boards.ign.com. It includes features such as:

Post replies, topics, edits, and send PMs without leaving the page A WYSIWYG editor with which you can quote multiple posts Autorefresh - you can see new posts and edits as they're made Usercolors - you can apply a custom style to your username visible to others Ignoring Users - selected users' posts are hidden from view AutoWUL - WUL or deWUL multiple users without leaving the page and much more...

IGN++ has been in development since May 2009 (then a Greasemonkey script called Vesti Tools). This extension was created by the IGN user gamerX1011. IGN++ was inspired by IGNBQ, an earlier extension by heyf00L. The current version number and supported browser versions can be found in install.rdf (Firefox) and manifest.json (Chrome).


The extension can be installed on Firefox via AMO: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ign/

Or on Chrome via the Chrome Web Store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/neccigeidlomkjogomjkjpeapgojbodn

Most users should install the extension from the above sites. Installing in this way should provide you with automatic updates. See install.rdf and manifest.json for information about supported versions, etc

You can find all versions, public and beta, at http://vestitools.pbworks.com Installing the extension from there may not allow you to receive updates. You can also find documentation and changelogs there.

AMO lists all IGN++ versions here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ign/versions/

Firefox users can install the extension from the Development Channel to get updates as soon as I release them. The Chrome Web Store does not support a Development Channel, so those Chrome users who want to use a dev version must download a version from one of the sources above, extract the archive, and install as an unpacked extension.

This extension was made in such a way that there is one extension archive file that works on both browsers. You can extract the archive into a directory and point both browsers to it, and it will work.


See https://github.com/fracture91/ignpp/issues

Important note for Chrome users: If you use this extension in Incognito Mode, the extension uses cookies from your non-Incognito session. See issue 243: https://github.com/fracture91/ignpp/issues/243


See http://vestitools.pbworks.com/Revision-History


See http://vestitools.pbworks.com/User-Guide


The github repository can be found at https://github.com/fracture91/ignpp If you're interested in helping out, contact me. More information can be found here: http://vestitools.pbworks.com/Developer-Info https://github.com/fracture91/ignpp/wiki


See content/credits.html


See content/eula.html


My username on IGN is gamerX1011. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a PM. Please make sure you check the User Guide first.