
An extention toolkit for Riot.js



An extention toolkit for Riot.js.


  • passing promises/generators to the components instead of simple values
  • routing inside the html w/o JavaScript
  • simple controller class (not yet)

Getting started

To use ikki, Riot v2.1.0 or above is needed.

1) Install Riot and ikki

Use script tag:

<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/riot/2.0/riot.js"></script>
<script src="dist/ikki.min.js"></script>

or, via Browserify:

$ npm install --save ikki
var riot = require('riot')
var ikki = require('ikki')

2) Introduce mixin to your tag

  <p>{ opts.message || 'Well...' }</p>
  <footer>{ opts.desc || 'Loading...' }</footer>
    this.mixin('ikki') // THIS LINE IS NEEDED TO USE IKKI'S FEATURES


opts attribute

ikki provides opts attribute to the component via mixin. It makes possible to:

  • Pass objects to the component
  • Pass promise to the component
  • Pass generators to the component

Without ikki we used to write like this:

<my-tag message="Hi!" />

With ikki we can write this:

<my-tag opts={ object } />
  this.object = { message: 'Hi!' }

If you pass the function, the component will get the result of the function.

<my-tag opts={ func } />
  this.func = (route) => {
    return { message: "It's "+ now + ".", desc: 'This is a function.' }

Also it's OK to pass the promise.

<my-tag opts={ promise } />
  this.promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    setTimeout(function() {
      resolve({ message: 'Hello!' })
    }, 10000)

And genrators, too. Now that, we can separate views and controllers easily.

<my-tag opts={ generator } />
  this.generator = function*() { while (true) {
    yield new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      setTimeout(function() {
        resolve({ message: hello() })
      }, 1000)

HTML router

The easiest way to write the routing of your Riot applications. No need to write JavaScript.


  <route path="/"><my-tag message="hello world" /></route>
  <route path="lorem"><my-tag message="Lorem Ipsum is..." /></route>
  <route path="member/:person"><my-tag message="$person" /></route>
  <route path="*"><my-tag message="not found." /></route>
  • /: slash(/) matchs url without hash
  • abc: matchs exact 'abc'
  • aaa/bbb/ccc: matchs exact 'aaa/bbb/ccc'
  • aaa/:xxx: matchs anything starting with 'aaa/' and you can get the value of :xxx by $xxx
  • *: matchs any url


<route path="old/url" redirect="new/url" />
<route path="google" redirect="https://www.google.com" />
  • If redirect attribute is set, url will change to it
  • CAUTION: don't make the infinite loop of redirect

Queries and parameters

routing actual queries parameters how to get
user/:id http://localhost/#user/111 {} { id: 'tom' } $tom
search http://localhost/#search?word=ikki { word: 'ikki' } {} ?word

Generator helpers

ikki has several built-in helpers to create generators.

1) Edo

The edo is the generator based flow-controler. This method creates a new generator which can be passed to the components. If you need serial/branching interactions with user's input, this will be a perfect solution.

edo(listeners, generator)
  • listeners: space-sparated listeners' name in String
  • generator: routing information is passed via arguments: path, query, param. See details on "HTML router" section. With yield you can push the data to the component.

This is a simple conversation-like example. yield returns the value given by the triggered event. Of cause, you can use if, while, ...etc as you like.

  <my-dialog opts={ gen } />
    this.gen = ikki.edo('click', function*(path, query, param) {
      yield { message: 'Good morning!', btns: ['Next'] }
      let fruit = yield { message: 'Which do you like?', btns: ['apple', 'banana'] }
      yield { message: "OK, I'll give you this " + fruit + '.', btns: ['Thanks'] }
      yield { message: 'See you!', btns: [] }
