
cross browser microtask

MIT License

immediate - 3.0.1 Latest Release

Published by calvinmetcalf over 10 years ago

  • fixes a bug with non browserify builders not getting the mutation observer module
immediate - 3.0.0

Published by calvinmetcalf over 10 years ago

  • removes some vestiges that are there for compatibility with setImmediate,vestiges from when it was a shim including
    • ability to pass parameters to the function
    • ability to clear it based on an index
  • removes the postMessage hack as there is very little browser usage of it between mutation observer and the faulty IE implementation.
immediate - 2.7.1

Published by calvinmetcalf over 10 years ago

avoid using array shift as that causes performance to plummet.

immediate - 2.7.0

Published by calvinmetcalf over 10 years ago

switches to being a microtask instead of a macrotask

immediate - 2.6.5

Published by calvinmetcalf over 10 years ago

A few tweaks to how mutation observer works mainly based on shadowing what RSVP is doing.

immediate - 2.6.3

Published by calvinmetcalf over 10 years ago

  • prevents deoptimizations in v8
  • ditches grunt/saucelabs/mocha for npm.scripts/testling/tape