
This document describes a JavaScript coding style. It does not require any tooling, dependencies, or libraries of any kind. The code style is compatible with all well known style guides and linter configurations.


Immutable Enumberables

This document describes a JavaScript coding style. It does not require any tooling, dependencies, or libraries of any kind. The code style is compatible with all well known style guides and linter configurations.

JavaScript lacks a lot of features you'd want for creating immutable types and also has some problematic behavior when creating custom types (lack of reliable instanceof check across module versions).

The immutable enumerable style leverages a few modern JavaScript features along with well established patterns that functional programming languages have been using for a long time. While types defined using this style lack complete immutability they also avoid JavaScript performance issues with features like Object.freeze.

Let's jump right in and create our first type.

const { entries, fromEntries, defineProperties } = Object
const immen = { writable: false, enumerable: true }
const mapProps = ([key, value]) => [key, {value, ...immen }]
const lock = (obj, props) => defineProperties(obj, fromEntries(entries(props).map(mapProps)))

class MyType {
  constructor ({ one, two, three }) {
    const four = 4
    const asMyType = this
    lock(this, { one, two, three, four, asMyType })  

export default MyType

If you would prefer a dependency rather than copying the above implementation of the lock function you can do the following:

npm install immutable-enumerables
import { lock } from 'immutable-enumerables'

Ok, let's talk about what we do for all types written in this style.

  1. We define classes with a constructor that accepts only a single object.
  2. We pluck out the arguments passed into the constructor (using destructuring) that we have assigned some meaning to in this type.
  3. We create any additional immutable state we want to assign to the type.
  4. We "lock" these properties (and only these properties) to the class instance.
  5. Our locked properties are the only enumerable properties on this class instance.
  6. We have a property for asMyType that returns this instance (circular reference).

Let's see what we can do with this.

const xx = new MyType({one: 1, two: 2, three: 3})
const yy = new MyType({...xx}) // copy
const zz = new MyType({...yy, two: 'two' }) // copy but overwrite one property
const makeThree = three => new MyType({...xx, three})

Pretty cool! A few things to note:

  1. Using speads (... syntax) and de-structuring the language gives us everything we need for fast copies.
  2. If you use good property names this pattern provides a nice form of documentation throughout
    your code since all de-structured names must remain consistent and constructors effectively "declare"
    the properties they require.
  3. Unlike positional arguments, property names must be consistent, so these conventions persist well
    beyond the implementation and are consistent across all consumers of this type.
  4. Since we pluck specific properties in the constructor we can use spread on other types that may have
    many more enumerable properties and our type will only copy the properties that have meaning to this type.

This gives us a nice blend of safety and performance in JavaScript. The properties we deem important are set as immutable and we can copy and de-structure properties out of the type easily using the language since these properties are the only ones set to be immutable. We may not have the assurances that true immutable types would give us but JavaScript doesn't have those (yet).

Type Checking

Something as simple as checking if a variable is a particular type is quite an issue in JavaScript. Due to the realities of the JS ecoystem and how Node.js/npm resolve dependencies, we often end up with two slightly different version of the same module in the same program. This means that we can't reliably use instanceof checks because types are being passed between modules that can resolve differing versions of the same package so an instance passed to you is not guaranteed to be instantiated from the class you're able to import.

Many people use custom symbols in order to work around this but the problem with symbols is that they don't cross Worker boundaries in the browser. We want a fast mechanism for type checking and we want these types to be passed through worker boundaries.

if (zz.asMyType === zz) doSomething()

Circular references do make it across worker boundaries, and property names will have as consistent a name as you can provide to a symbol so this method of type checking works quite well and is incredibly performant since it's only a simple pointer check.

Additional Considerations

There's a few other patterns you may want to follow that you'll find throughout my code. None of these are as important as the ones we've already covered.

Static methods for instantiation

Rather than having consumers use the new operator, type classes have at least one but in many occations several static methods for instantiating the class. There's several reasons for this:

  1. Reducing the use of the new operator tends to reduce overall errors as method calls allow for cleaner composition.
  2. Moving complex logic out of the constructor makes the type more flexible because you can add additional methods
    for arriving at the required state for instantiating the class instead of altering behavior based on additional
    argument types.
  3. The constructor gets to stay focused on validating and locking the required state for the type.
  4. Constructors cannot be async and it is fairly common to need to perform async operations in order to aquire all
    necessary state. Always using static methods for instantiation normalizes this.

Reserving function keyword for generators

In JavaScript the function keyword can be used for many things. So many that the keyword itself loses much meaning.

However, as of ES2015 we have class and arrow functions (=>), so we have ways to create regular functions and to create classes and class methods without the function keyword. The only things we MUST use the function keyword for in JavaScript are generators. For this reason, we stick to a convention where the keyword is reserved only for this purpose so that other more specific syntax is used elsewhere and can provide more clarity. Since generators are always accompanied by the addition of * these remain clear to people who are not even accustomed to this style convention.


A lot of the credit for this style goes to @gozala and ideas he surfaced during a large refactoring of multiformats.