
Tree graph structure with history (experimental)

MIT License


Immutable Graph (experimental)

Experimentations with an immutable tree graph structure with history. Uses

Intended use case:

A DOM like structure for drawing raster and vector graphics. The immutability of the graph is to support history, while the mutable state properties are for real time display and interaction.


var CreateGraph = require('immutable-graph')
  , NodeRegistry = require('immutable-graph/lib/node')()

var [rasterSlug, createRoot]		= NodeRegistry.registerNodeType("root")
var [groupSlug, createGroup]		= NodeRegistry.registerNodeType("group")
var [rasterSlug, createRaster]		= NodeRegistry.registerNodeType("raster")
var [vectorSlug, createVector]		= NodeRegistry.registerNodeType("vector")

var graph = CreateGraph(
	createRoot({name: "my root"}, [
		createGroup({name: "group 0"}, [
			createRaster({name: "raster1"})
		  , createRaster({name: "raster2"})
	  , createGroup({name: "group 1"})

var group0 = ['edges',0]
var group1 = ['edges',1]

graph.modify.move( group1, group0 )


More advanced examples are located in the /examples folder and can be automagically loaded into a browser by running npm start.


Anything in <Brackets> is the type of the object. Anything with index = 0 is the default value of a parameter.

graph.history <Immutable.List>

A list of every root node.

graph.root() returns <Immutable.Map>

Get the current root.

graph.update( newRoot<Immutable.Map> )

Update the graph with a new root.

graph.update( function( currentRoot<Immutable.Map> ) {} )

Update a root with a callback through Immutable's withMutation

graph.undo( steps<integer> )

Point the current root to one in the past. Once the root is updated any roots in the future will be removed.

graph.redo( steps<integer> )

Sugar function from undo.

graph.emitter <EventEmitter>

An emitter with the following events:

  • update - Anytime the root changes
  • undo - Anytime undo or redo is called

graph.traverse <Object>

A collection of utilities to traverse a graph. Can be used as bare functions with var traverse = require('immutable-graph/lib/traverse').

graph.traverse.down( root<Immutable.Map>, path <Array>, childIndex = 0 )

Traverse a node path down one, returns a path array.

graph.traverse.downAll( root<Immutable.Map>, path <Array> )

Fetch all edge nodes from the path as an Immutable.List

graph.traverse.up( root<Immutable.Map>, path <Array> )

Traverse a node path up one, returns a path array.

graph.traverse.sibling( root<Immutable.Map>, path <Array>, directionOrIndexCallback )

Fetch a sibling path array.

graph.traverse.each( root<Immutable.Map>, callback, path = [] )

Go depth first through each node in the graph. Callback gets passed:

callback( path<Array>, node<Immutable.Map>, root<Immutable.Map> )
graph.traverse.reduce( root<Immutable.Map>, callback, memo, path = [] )

Depth first reduce each node in the graph. Callback gets passed:

callback( memo, node<Immutable.Map>, path<Array> )
graph.traverse.filter( root<Immutable.Map>, callback, path = [] )

Depth first filter each node in the graph, returns an array of nodes. Callback gets passed:

callback( node<Immutable.Map>, path<Array> )


A collection of utilities to easily modify the current graph structure. Can be used as bare functions with var modify = require('immutable-graph/lib/modify'). Each function then has the graph as the first parameter. Each function adds to the history of the graph. Paths are assumed to point to nodes, not to edges.

graph.modify.move( nodePath<Array>, targetPath<Array> )
graph.modify.add( targetPath<Array>, node<Immutable.Map> )
graph.modify.remove( targetPath<Array>, nodeOrIndex<Immutable.Map, Integer> )


Data structure

node = Immutable.Map({
    "name" : "node-type-slug",
    "edges" : Immutable.List(), // Contains children nodes
    "data" : Immutable.Map(),
    "state" : {},

The state property is mutable and should not be serialized.


var root = []
var someNode = ['edges', 4]
var childInSomeNode = ['edges', 4, 'edges', 0]

Nodes are referenced by paths in the tree. They can be used to get the actual node by the following:

graph.root().getIn( root )
graph.root().getIn( someNode )
graph.root().getIn( childInSomeNode )

Node Registry

There is a node registry to ensure there are no conflicts on the slugs for different types of nodes. The idea here is to enable multiple independent developers to create functionality without conflicting on naming conventions. If slugs are identical, the number ending is added and incremented e.g. registering three root nodes would make the slugs become "root", "root1", "root2".

.registerNodeType( slug )

var CreateSlugRegistry = require('immutable-graph/lib/node')
var registry = CreateSlugRegistry()

var [rootSlug, createRoot] = registry.registerNodeType("root")
var [rasterSlug, createRaster] = registry.registerNodeType("raster")

var root = createRoot( {data:"foobar"}, [
    createRaster( {image: imageData} )

The create node function takes the following parameters

CreateNode( data, children )

.registerStateType( slug )

var [forceSlug, getForce] = Node.registerStateType("force")

var mutableForceObj = getForce( someNode )    
mutableForceObj.x = 5

var someNodeState = someNode.get("state")
someNodeState[forceSlug] === mutableForceObj

See /examples/node-example.js for more in-depth use cases.