

Inferno Shopify App

Getting an app setup on your store

Expose your dev environment to the internet

You will need to download ngrok at and signup for a free account. Move the unziped ngrok client to your user folder and run the following in your terminal.

$ ./ngrok http 3000

This should display a UI in your terminal with the public URL of your tunnel and other status and metrics information about connections made over your tunnel.

Set up an App on the partners dashboard

Log into the partner dashboard and click "Apps" from the main dashboard navigation. Then click "Create app".

Give you app a name, this can be anything you'd like.

Set the app URL to the public URL of you ngrok tunnel. This should be displayed in the UI under "Fowarding" and should end with for example

We'll be using /auth/callback as our oauth callback route, so add that to your whitelist.

For example, for the address above you would add

Rename .env.example to .env and copy and paste your Shopify Api Key and Secret to this file. These can be found in under App credentials, near the bottom of the App Info page.


Starting the app

Install the dependencies by running in the project root: npm install

And finally run the app: npm start

Open a browser and go to either localhost:3000 or the url provided by ngrok.

If successful, you should see a hello message in your browser.

Rename .env.example to .env and copy and paste your Shopify Api Key and Secret to this file.


Using this repo

npm start

Start the server

npm prod

Run start with NODE_ENV=production

npm dev

Run start with NODE_ENV=development

Whats included

  • babel lets us use modern syntax and JSX everywhere
  • webpack compiles our client-side code into a bundle
  • prettier make our code look pretty and maintains consistency
  • dotenv helps configure our environment variables
  • koa minimalistic and modern node server framework