
Note template system for Inkdrop

MIT License



Note template system for Inkdrop.


Install with ipm:

ipm install inkdrop-note-templates

inkdrop-note-templates - Plugin - Inkdrop


Create Templates

You can create templates in two ways.

  1. Create templates under _Templates notebook.
  2. Create templates by assigning Template tag to them.

📝 Currently _Templates and Template are hard-coded names, welcome to Pull Request!

Note template should have content and metadata as Yaml Front Matter.

  • id: unique id for command
  • label: Menu label for the template
  • title: Render title with LiquidJS and set it as new note's title
  • note's body: Render body with LiquidJS and set it as new note's body

📝 Inherit other properties like tags from Template note.

id: test
label: "Test Template"
title: "Test Title"

Test body text.

- item 1
- item 2

inkdrop-note-templates use LiquidJS. so, You can use template syntax in title and body.

id: today-task
label: "Today Task"
title: "{{'now' | date: '%Y-%m-%d'}} Task"


- [ ] TASK

Use Templates

You can create new note from "File" > "Templates" > your templates.

⚠️ If you have updated your template, Please restart inkdrop application.

Shortcut for Template

Call inkdrop-note-templates:${} from shortcut and create a new note with the template.

You open your keymap.cson and edit it.

Following example create new file with id: today-task template.

  'cmd-shift-e': 'inkdrop-note-templates:today-task'

Related Inkdrop plugins

Search Topics: inkdrop on GitHub.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


