
A web component to confirm something.



A component to display a confirmation inline with a button. When you want to display a confirmation button when a user takes action on a button, such as a delete button but don't want to do the usual thing of display a dialog window as confirmation, inline-confirmation provides a nice alternative.


You can use inline-confirmation with unpkg:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

  <span slot="confirm">Are you sure?</span>
  <button type="button" slot="content">Delete account</button>


Available on npm:

npm install inline-confirmation

Or with Yarn:

yarn add inline-confirmation


The following is all you need to know:


active: Displayed when the confirmation message is shown.

This can be set via a property:

let confirmation = document.querySelector('inline-confirmation'); = true;

Or via the attribute:

<inline-confirmation active> ... </inline-confirmation>

In addition to showing the confirmation message, this is also useful for styling.

inline-confirmation[active] {
  background: tomato;
  padding: .5em 1em;
  width: 15rem;
  --confirm-button-hover-color: #fff;


confirm: Fired when the user confirms the action. By default this is the Yes button, but this can be modified with slots.

let confirmation = document.querySelector('inline-confirmation');

confirmation.addEventListener('confirm', () => {
  // Here's where we delete the account

cancel: Fired when the user selects to cancel the action. By default this is the No button.

let confirmation = document.querySelector('inline-confirmation');

confirmation.addEventListener('cancel', () => {
  // Might want to do something in response to this.


There are a few slots to customize the appearance.

confirm: A message to be displayed when confirmation mode is active. This could be more information about what the action will actually do, usually to act as a warning.

  <span slot="confirm">Are you sure?</span>

content: This is the content to display when confirmation mode is not active. Usually this is just the button you want to display for the action to perform. You might display something else here, like a Loading... message when the action actually occurs post-confirmation.

  <button type="button" slot="content">Delete account</button>

yes: This is a slot that allows you to customize the confirm button. By default it is a button that looks like a link displaying Yes. Here we change this slightly:

  <slot name="yes">Confirm</slot>

no: This is a slot that allows customizing the cancel button. By default this is a button that displays No.

  <slot name="no">Cancel</slot>

CSS Variables

--confirm-button-color: Changes the color of the confirm and cancel buttons. By default the color is inherited.

--confirm-button-hover-color: Changes the color of the confirm and cancel buttons in their hover state. Here we are showing a white color in the hover state:

inline-confirmation {
  --confirm-button-hover-color: #fff;

