
Instagram style face filters created with web technologies

MIT License



A demo showcasing what's possible with face filters on the web. Built completely with free and open-source libraries. These ones in particular:

Dev notes

These are more for myself, but might be useful for anyone who wants to fork and have a play!


  • Clone the repo
  • Install dependencies with npm install
  • Make sure you have a test video in place (see below)
  • Make sure you have SSL certificates in place (or bypass them, see below)


  • npm run dev: Start development server
  • npm run build: Package up the app (will appear in dist)
  • npm run deploy: Uses gh-pages to automatically deploy to Github Pages.

JS vs TS

This project is mostly Typescript, but the sketch files are Javascript. This is just to allow for quick and creative development for the fun parts of the code. :)

Test videos

Rather than constantly pulling faces on a webcam while developing, you can choose to load in a video instead. These are not included in the repo and must be added to a directory in the root named test-video. You'll need to reference this video settings.ts (e.g. fakeCam: myCoolTestVideo.mp4). Set fakeCam to false if you don't want to use the test video. Please note, that things break if there isn't some sort of video to use (even if you've disabled it).

Testing iOS / SSL Certificates

The dev server needs to run as HTTPS for webcam access. Unfortunately iOS is quite fussy with this and just simply enabling https: true for Webpack dev server isn't enough. Therefore, when testing iOS, you'll need to make some changes to the setup. Details are mentioned in this Github comment.

  • Use inline: false in the devServer webpack settings (
  • Make sure you have SSL certificates generated

If you're not worried about iOS, just set https to true in, rather than referencing the certificates.