
Sample Application using NodeJS SocketIO and Ionic

APACHE-2.0 License


Sample Application for Ionic Chat app using NodeJS Socket IO

Easy to get started setup backend

  • Step 1: click this => Deploy to Bluemix
  • Step 2: Enable CORS on the Cloudant Instance
  • Step 3: Change permissions on photos_db database (read, write, replicate)

To work locally with the code download source code via git or Download Zip button

    $ git clone
    $ cd ionic-chat
    $ npm install

Run using Ionic on Mobile Device or Simulator

  • Set the hostname of WebSocket server for Ionic App to connect.
    • Edit www/js/app.js, change from to your local ip or remote host on Bluemix after deploying app.
    • Edit www/js/app.js, change DBUrl with your own couchdb/cloudant DB
    • Run $ ionic prepare after making the change
    $ ionic platform add ios
    $ ionic platform add android
    $ ionic run android
    $ open platforms/ios/*.xcodeproj

Run the NodeJS Chat Server locally

    $ npm start
    $ open http://localhost:8080

Run simple Websockets demo

    $ cd simple_websocket
    $ npm install
    $ npm start
    open browser on http://localhost:6001

Run simple Socketio demo

    $ cd simple_socketio
    $ npm install
    $ npm start
    open browser on http://localhost:6001

Software Requirements:

  • Minimum
  • To run local Server
  • To run on Mobile Simulator or Device
    • Install Ionic and Cordova CLI
      • npm install -g ionic cordova (you might need to use sudo)
    • Android
      • Java SDK (setup PATH, test javac on terminal)
      • Android SDK (setup PATH, test android and adb on terminal)
    • XCode and XCode Commad Tools (test xcode-select -p and xcodebuild)

License: Apache 2.0