
Build Tangle-style interactive documents in the Jupyter/IPython Notebook

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



Reactive narratives inspired by Tangle in the Jupyter Notebook.

IPyTangle makes plain markdown into an interactive part of your data-driven narrative.


Get the most recent release with:

pip install ipytangle

Or the bleeding-edge version:

pip install -e git+https://github.com/bollwyvl/ipytangle#egg=IPyTangle


In a Notebook, write this python...

from ipytangle import tangle

tangle(cookies=3, calories=lambda cookies: cookies * 50)

And this markdown:

When you eat [`cookies` cookies](#:cookies), you consume [`calories` calories](#:calories).

And you would see something like this:

When you eat 2 cookies, you consume 150 calories.

And interacting with the links would cause the result to update.


Adapted from the originals from Tangle.

  • Cookies
  • [California State Parks Proposition 21](notebooks/examples/Proposition 21.ipynb)

Additionally, ipytangle comes with integration with IPython's interact, the easiest way to start using widgets.

  • [Interacting with a tangle](notebooks/examples/Interacting with a tangle.ipynb)
  • [Tangling up interact](notebooks/examples/Tangling up interact.ipynb)


ipytangle implements most of the TangleKit baseline as markdown links. Because it adds no new notation, unrendered Tangle Markdown should still render in a useful way.

Generally, think of a link as:

[what the user sees](#:tangle types)

In the link text, backticks, `` are used to represent a JavaScript expression that will be updated on user interaction, cascading updates, or other updates from the kernel. In addition to any variables defined with ipytangle, some formatting libraries are provided. window globals should also work 😉.

Only the generated code blocks will be transformed, the rest of the elements (if any) will be preserved. This means you can use images, inside the label of a control, for example.

Link Types

[<stringy expression>](#:)

just display a view

For [`years` years](#:) have I trained Jedi. 

####[<stringy expression>](#:<variable>) display a view and update an integer based on dragging

[made the kessel run in `distance` parsecs](#:distance)

[<booly expression>](#:if) ... [ [<booly expression>](#elif)] ... [ [](#:else) ] ... [](#:endif)

mark some text (which may have other fields) to only display based on condition

What's more foolish? The [`fool_is_more_foolish`](#:if)fool[](#:else)the fool who follows him(#:endif).

you may also have an else and any number of elifs... because they are markdown span-level elements, you may use newlines for easier editing

[`feeling == "bad"`](#:if) I have a bad feeling about this.
[`feeling == "cautious"`](#:elif) You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
[](#:else) Search your feelings.

Proposed Link Types

[<stringy expression>](#:<variable>:(int|float):<min>:<max>:<step>)

display a view and update some type of variable. Additionally, minimum maximum and step-size values can be specified.


Replace the variable, for which a linked widget has been registered (TBD) with the widget itself inline.

Needs research.


At it's core, ipytangle provides Tangle, an IPython Widget. Because of this, a Tangle can connect to any other IPython widgets via traitlets and links. Unlike many widgets, a Tangle doesn't do much with its screen real estate, and might not be very interesting to put inside a layout. Yet.

There are several methods for creating a Tangle.


As in the above example, this tries to be the most pythonic approach.

from ipytangle import tangle

square = tangle(x=1, y=(1, lambda x: x*x))

print("square is", square)
square.x = 2
print("y is", square.y)

square is <IPython.utils.traitlets.DynamicAutoTangle139717235746760 object at 0x7f1274347ef0>
y is 4
Linking to other widgets

tangle makes working with other core and custom widgets easy, automatically copying trait information. If a widget implements value, as most of the core widgets do, you can reference it directly. Alternately, specify a tuple of (widget, "trait_name") to subscribe to that trait.

from IPython.html.widgets import IntSlider

x = IntSlider(1)
square = tangle(x=x,  y=(1, lambda x: x*x))

print("square is", square)
x.value = 2
print("y is", square.y)

square is <IPython.utils.traitlets.DynamicAutoTangle139717235839048 object at 0x7f1274362080>
y is 4


If you are already familiar with widgets, subclassing Tangle might be the most convenient:

from ipytangle import Tangle
from IPython.utils import traitlets

class Square(Tangle):
    x = traitlets.CInt(1, sync=True)
    y = traitlets.CInt(1, sync=True)
    def _x_changed(self):
        self.y = self.x * self.x

square = Square()

print("square is", square)
square.x = 2
print("y is", square.y)

square is <__main__.Square object at 0x7f127434b7f0>
y is 4

A future version of IPython Widgets will allow dynamically-added traits with add_trait. This will open up whole new areas for tinkering. Stay tuned!


In addition to your locally-bound variables, ipytangle bundles several nice JavaScript libraries and shortcuts for formatting text and numbers:


Of course, Brett Victor's Tangle is the primary inspiration, as well as:


  • support TangleKit baseline
    • float
    • switch
  • $L_AT^EX$ (sic)
  • sparklines, distributions, etc.
  • offline/nbviewer?