
IR Remote control via WiFi


Remote Lighthouse

React Native App + Arduino Uno + ESP32 WiFi module

Replace every remote control in your house with a single app. ir-mobile will listen to the infrared codes your remote controls emit and map them to buttons in the app.


  • ESP32 WiFi/Bluetooth Module
  • IR Transmitter LEDs
  • IR receiver component
  • rgbLED
  • various resistors/transistors

You will need to install


  • GET ESP_IP_ADDRESS/rec: puts hardware in 'listening' mode for IR codes
  • GET ESP_IP_ADDRESS/stop: stops record mode
  • GET ESP_IP_ADDRESS/send?type=CODE_TYPE&value=CODE_VALUE&length=CODE_LENGTH: transmit code via IR
  • GET ESP_IP_ADDRESS/check: returns value of any IR codes heard
  // Successful call to /check returns the following JSON object
      type: oneof 'NEC', 'JVC', 'PANASONIC', 'RC5', 'RC6',
      value: hex string representing an unsigned long,
      length: length of the IR code in bits

Where ESP_IP_ADDRESS is the address of the ESP on your network, for example


Flash bin to ESP-32

  • ./ --port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART write_flash --flash_mode qio --flash_size 4MB --flash_freq 80m 0x10000 /Users/danielmerrill/Dev/ir-mobile/ESP32-ir-mobile/ESP32-ir-mobile.ino.esp32.bin
  • Run from the folder where you downloaded esptool above^^
    replace the serial port after --port with whatever the esp32 is listed as, and the path for the .bin and you should be good to go
  • Once flashed you can verify it's working by restarting the esp32 with the serial monitor open in Arduino IDE

Other references used: