
IRC like Experience but exponentially better with HTML5 and WebRTC

BSD-2-CLAUSE License



IRC like Experience but exponentially better with HTML5 and WebRTC


This code is just to show a simple demo of what secure collaborative real time editing with WebRTC and other buzz words might look like. It works just well enough to d a specific demo which is to say it is completely broken in a zillion ways. Don't expect it to actually work.

More explanation and a bit of the design can be found at Design;

Install Server Locally


Install with:

clone the repo, go into client directory and do

  • npm install

  • bower install

Go into the serv directory and do

  • npn install

  • copy secret.json.tmpl to secret.json and edit it to configure you URLs and such. You will need to create an app on linkedIn and set the URLs used on the linkedIn page as well as configure info into this file. Also needs to set URLs for redis, rabbitMQ, and mongo.

  • grunt

Setting up LinkedIn OAuth

Login at

Create an application.

Set the default scope to emailaddress and basicprofile

Set the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs: to something like "http://localhost:8080/auth/linkedin/callback," Where is replaced with name of your server.

Copy API Key and Secret Key to your secret.json file


Set the NODE_ENV variable to dev, test, or prod

From within the serv directory, run it with:

  • node serv.js --dev

Open browser at appropriate page


Install on Rackspace

Create server Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Make sure you can ssh onto it. Rackspace will add your ssh pub key be default if configured

Setup server with commands along lines of stuff in file

Copy your certificate and key to server if using TLS. Save them in /etc/nginx/ssl/ and /etc/nginx/ssl/ with the changed to your domain name.

Set up your DNS to point to the server

Set up your linkedIn application with correct URLs

Set up your secret.json on dev machine with username and hostname of production server in prod section

Set up your secret.json file on host machine

Copy the serv/ircexp.conf to /etc/init/ircexp.conf on hostmachine and do: "sudo start ircexp; service nginx restart "

"grunt deploy" to push a new version to production server