

JAM in 15

What's a JAM stack app?

"A modern web development architecture based on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt Markup"

  • Mathias Biilmann (CEO & Co-founder of Netlify).

J - Javascript A - APIs M - Markup

Why JAM?

  • Scalable. User is requesting static files that are parsed in their browser. No server necessary.
  • Security. Smaller attack vector because there is no server or database involved.
  • Speed. User requests static files only.
  • Flexible. Rely on APIs for anything you need.
  • Less Expensive. Static files can be hosted for free in a lot of cases through Netlify, S3, Now, and other services.

Why not JAM?

  • Shift in thinking about a typical content website. Clients can still bring their own CMS, but all of the Wordpress plugins and stuff need to be implemented in the frontend stack.
  • Not for every use case. Shines for content heavy websites, but for advanced web applications it gets in your way more than helps from experience.
  • You have to rebuild your apps when things change. For massive websites or realtime websites this could be less than ideal.
  • Less control. When building a JAM app you grab and rely on a lot of external tools like Netlify, Auth0, Firebase, a CMS, AWS Lambda, and other services that may not conform to your company's security standards.

What's Gatsby?

Gatsby is a framework for building extremely fast websites with React and GraphQL.


# Create a new Gatsby App
gatsby new gatsby-starter-novela https://github.com/narative/gatsby-starter-novela

# Add missing dep that the theme needs
yarn add gatsby-plugin-mailchimp

cd gatsby-starter-novela

# Starts development server and graphql helper
yarn dev

# Walk through folder structure and make a change to the blog

# Build the project
yarn build

# Commit and push to remote
git add -A
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git add origin
git remote add origin https://github.com/mwood23/jam-demo.git
git push -u origin master

# Head over to Netlify and hook it up

Thank you!

Just like that we have a blog built and deployed with amazing performance out the box. It has...

  • React and Graphql plus styling of your own no choice. Yay no PHP
  • Global CDN
  • HTTPS for free
  • Continuous integration with branch deploys
  • Super fast
  • Bring CMS of your choice
  • AWS Lambda, forms, and auth ready with Netlify
  • PWA ready

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