
Integrated tests with Jasmine that can be bridged with Cucumber

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jasmine-features is a jasmine add-on that makes it easier to write functional tests with Jasmine. It provides a custom reporter, a browser automation DSL, and examples for how to piggyback on Cucumber steps for inclusion with your tests' full stack test suite.

It depends on jQuery & Underscore.

When to use jasmine-features

tl;dr use jasmine for unit tests and don't use jasmine-features without good cause.

Jasmine is for unit tests

First things first: jasmine is designed for unit tests! A unit test has these attributes:

  • Does not load data over a network, file, or database
  • Tests only the code, does not depend on the broader application's environment or configuration
  • Specifies a single unit (e.g. an object or function) at a time, and is not concerned with the behavior of the application after all the units have been glued together.

Taking things even further, the present author believes jasmine works best for isolated unit tests. An isolated unit test:

  • Uses test doubles in place of the actual dependencies & collaborators of the unit being specified (jasmine provides a great spy API for this)

Jasmine is not for acceptance tests

There are all sorts of great existing tools for writing acceptance tests. They should be considered before (and I'd expect, already in use) before adding jasmine-features to the mix. Additionally, a "full-stack" acceptance test tool will probably be necessary in order to include your tests in continuous integration.

And in addition to being feature-rich, these tools provide a number of advantages that a pure intra-browser acceptance test would struggle to provide. Most importantly, traditional acceptance tests can and should control the full-stack environment (database environment, test data, server software, browser automation, teardown between tests).

So when should I use jasmine-features for acceptance tests?

If your current acceptance tests are too slow.

For many projects, acceptance tests are very very slow. On a complex Rails project, it's not uncommon for each Cucumber scenario to require tens of seconds to get started. This can be a huge productivity drain if you're using acceptance tests to practice behavior-driven development. In BDD, any significant lag in your feedback loop (either in your acceptance tests or your unit tests) will undercut a huge part of BDD's value: focus.

jasmine-features is a way to steal back fast feedback from your project's acceptance test tool. It does this by allowing you to run the same functional test (a) manually from your browser via the console or a bookmarklet or (b) automatically from your existing acceptance test tool. In jasmine-features, you'd write your own integrated/functional tests with jasmine and include them on the page in non-production environments.

How to use jasmine-features

Add jasmine, jasmine-features, and your tests to the page

To run functional tests within your existing page, then jasmine, jasmine-features, and your app's tests need to be loaded in your page's non-production code. Here's the example from this repo's index.erb:

<% unless ENV['RACK_ENV'] == "production" %>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="features/support/jasmine.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="features/support/dist/jasmine-features.js"></script>

  <script type="text/javascript" src="features/support/helpers/jasmine-given-0.0.6.js"></script>

  <script type="text/javascript" src="features/form_feature.js"></script>
<% end %>

Write a feature test

Here's a very simple example feature test from this repo in form_feature.coffee.

[Note that this example uses CoffeeScript and jasmine-given]

Feature "simple form", ->
  Given -> fillIn "firstName", with: "santa"
  Given -> fillIn "lastName", with: "claus"
  When -> click '#submitButton'
  Then -> findContent "Submitted!"

The Feature function is used in a way that's similar to Jasmine's describe. In addition to allowing the tests to be run multiple times without loading the page, it will help ensure that your acceptance tests won't be executed along with your unit specs.

Capybara-ish DSL

jasmine-features adds a handful of methods that are similar to Capybara's DSL. At present, they are:

Clicking stuff
  • click (selector) - clicks on a matching id or general jQuery selector
  • clickLink (locator) - clicks <a>; locates by ID, containing text, or a filtering selector
  • clickButton (locator) - clicks <button>, <input type="button">, and <input type="submit">; locating by ID, name, value, contained text
Interacting with forms

All form locators will locate fields by ID, name, label text, or jQuery selector (failing if none match)

  • fillIn (locator, { with: value}) - fill in a form field
  • check (locator) - check a checkbox
  • uncheck (locator) - uncheck a checkbox
  • choose (locator) - choose a radio button
  • find (selector) - searches the page for the jQuery selector. Just like $(), except that it will respect whatever scope is set by within.
  • findContent (text) - searches the page (or within scope) for the provided text. Returns true or false and will fail the test if the text is not found.
  • within (selector, function actions) - limits the scope of the DSL actions in the provided function to that of the provided selector.
  • drag (selector, { to: selector}) - drags an element at the provided selector to the provided "to" selector

Each of the provided DSL methods (unlike most jQuery interactions) are guarded by asserts as appropriate (for example, fillIn will first expect the input to exist, then expect the value was actually set after invoking $.fn.val()).

Executing your tests

Your jasmine-feature tests can be kicked off by invoking jasmine.features.run() from a console or a bookmarklet. The tests' results will be appended into a simple div at the end of the page's body as well as to the browser's console log (if present). If your tests are careful to clean up after each run, they can be run multiple times without refreshing the page.


Here's an example of a bookmarklet one could use to run their features: javascript:jasmine.features.run()


Similarly, the same test can be kicked off with Cucumber. This way, the tests you write with jasmine-features can easily be included as part of your project's continuous integration build and/or tested under a number of different application configurations.

Take for example, this feature file:


    Given I open the fixture page

  Scenario: client-side functional tests
    When I run all client-side functional tests
    Then I see no client-side functional failures

And step definitions like these:

Given /^I open the fixture page$/ do
  visit '/'
  page.should have_content "Loaded!"

When /^I run all client\-side functional tests$/ do

Then /^I see no client\-side functional failures$/ do
  results = page.find("#jasmine_features_results.finished")
  unless results[:class].include? "passed"
    fail results.text

Try it yourself

This repo comes with an example configuration that you can run it yourself, including a Sinatra application, unit spec suite, and cucumber tests that invoke jasmine-features.

To try it out, just clone this repo, run bundle install, and run the server:

bundle exec shotgun

Then you can visit http://localhost:9393 and run the tests by invoking jasmine.features.run().

To run Cucumber (it's configured to use capybara-webkit, which requires the qt library to be installed):

bundle exec cucumber

You could also run the entire build (if you have npm & coffee-script installed), which will run the specs, compile the source to dist/, and then run the cukes:

bundle exec rake