
A small JavaScript dependency injection framework.

MIT License



Dependency injection is a software pattern that helps increase the testability of a given class by removing hard coded references to its dependencies.

In other words, take the following code...

function Car() {
  this.engine = new Engine();
  this.dashboard = new Dashboard();

In the preceding code, Car is now dependent upon Engine and Dashboard. This makes it more difficult to unit test the Car in complete isolation. There's no way to create an instance of a Car without in turn creating an instance of an Engine and a Dashboard.

Dependency injection allows for a small bit of configuration that says, 'When a class needs a dependency named x, create an instance of y'.

So, you can now have code that would look like...

function Car(engine, dashboard) {
  this.engine = engine;
  this.dashboard = dashboard;

function Engine() {}
function Dashboard() {}

Car = bindr(Car, ['engine', 'dashboard']);

  "engine": Engine,
  "dashboard": Dashboard

Now this.engine will be assigned a new instance of Engine, and likewise for Dashboard.

bindr comes in and allows you to switch a dependencies constructor out. In production code, the Car might be dependent upon Engine, but when writing unit tests, bindr allows you to swap that dependency out for a FakeEngine.

var Car = require('Car');

function FakeEngine() {}
function FakeDashboard() {}

describe('when a car is created', function() {
    it('should be awesome', function() {
        var car = new Car(new FakeEngine(), new FakeDashboard());

Now you are able to test your Car in complete isolation.

Another great advantage of Bindr is that it doesn't change your existing functions other than creating a small wrapper. You can simply plug them in your existing constructors, and use them as you normally would.


There is a UMD wrapper around bindr, so you can either require it as an node, or AMD module, or it will expose bindr on the window.

bindr(fn, dependencies)

Wraps a constructor for allowing dependency injection.

  • fn {function}: the constructor you want to wrap
  • dep {array}: list of the dependencies of this constructor

Returns a wrapped constructor


Register dependencies with bindr.

  • options {object}: an object containing dependencies


Register a Dependency to name.

  • name {string}: The name of the dependency to create
  • dependency {function}: The dependency to inject


Clears all registered dependencies.


Returns an object containing a trace of all dependencies


Returns an object containing a trace of all dependencies for a given instance.

  • name {object}: An instance of a function registered with bindr()

This way you can easily swap out the service dependency of the car.


Via NPM...

npm install bindr

Via Browser...

    <script src="bindr.js"></script>

Via Bower...

bower install bindr --save

Any feedback would be appreciated!