
example angular app

ISC License


Example Angular App

This is a demo app you can use to get starting writing an angular app of your own. It simply shows some GitHub info. Fully tested and production ready.

Features include:

  • Angular.js
  • ng-route
  • gulp for building css/js using the concat method
  • minified assets with aggressive cache-compatible cdn filenames (rev)
  • uses angular templatecache to preload templates
  • bower for external css/js assets
  • jshint for linting JS style
  • Bootstrap for UI
  • Less for writing CSS
  • static asset node server w/ gzip
  • mocha/chai for testing
  • karma unit testing w/ PhantomJS
  • Protractor end-to-end testing with Firefox and Chrome
  • CI on wercker
  • Heroku-ready

See it in action

Running Locally

Get the repo

$ git clone
$ cd angular-boilerplate

Install dependencies

$ npm install -g gulp karma-cli protractor
$ npm install

Install protractor dependencies (chromedriver)

$ ./node_modules/.bin/webdriver-manager update

Run the test suite

$ npm test

Alternatively run just one of the test components

$ jshint .
$ karma start
$ protractor


├── LICENSE                   ISC
├──                 this file
├── app.json                  defines how to deploy on Heroku
├── bower.json                defines third-party css/js - downloads to /assets
├── gulpfile.js               includes gulp files in /gulp - also defines meta gulp tasks
├── index.html.ejs            layout html file
├── karma.conf.js             karma test config
├── package.json              npm dependencies and scripts
├── runs e2e tests on chrome
├── protractor.conf.js        runs e2e tests on firefox
├── server.js                 static node server - hosts /assets, /public and index.html.ejs
├── wercker.yml               CI configuration
├── assets/                   served from /assets with 1-year cache expiration - not intended to be committed
│   ├── app.css                 compiled css assets
│   ├── app.js                  compiles js assets
│   ├── rev-manifest.json       mapping from assets to assets with hash in filename
│   ├── app-89c296c2.css        copy of app.css with hash of contents in filename for aggressive CDN caching
│   ├── app-9b04b598.js         copy of app.js with hash of contents in filename for aggressive CDN caching
│   └── ...                     all bower components - can be rev'd in gulp/rev.js
├── css/                      less files
│   ├── app.less                main less file
│   └── ...                     other less files - can also require files from /assets
├── coverage/                 code coverage html
├── gulp/                       gulp tasks - gulpfile.js will pick up any js file here
│   ├── css.js                  compiles less -> css
│   ├── js.js                   concatenates + minifies js
│   ├── rev.js                  aggressive cdn cache filename creator
│   └── server.js               runs a dev server
├── public/                   any public files that need to be served - served from /
│   ├── angularjs.png
│   └── favicon.ico
├── src/                      angular files
│   ├── module.js               defines the 'app' ng-module
│   ├── routes.js               routing info for ng-route
│   ├── github/
│   │   ├── module.js             defines the 'github' ng-module
│   │   ├── github_repo.svc.js    service that gets repos from GitHub via JSONP
│   │   └── github_user.svc.js    service that gets users from GitHub via JSONP
│   └── users/
│       ├── module.js             defines the 'users' ng-module
│       ├── show_user.ctrl.js     controller for showing a single user's info + repos
│       └── users.ctrl.js         controller for showing many users + searching through users
├── templates/                angular templates
│   ├── home.html               main template
│   ├── nav.html                header nav template (included via ng-include in /index.html.ejs)
│   ├── show_user.html          template for users.ShowUserCtrl
│   └── users.html              template for users.UsersCtrl
└── test/
    ├── e2e/                    feature/protractor tests
    │   ├── init.js               boots a server for e2e tests]
    │   └── users.spec.js         tests the flow of finding a user and one of their repos
    └── karma/                  unit/karma tests
        ├── routes.spec.js
        ├── github/
        │   ├── github_repo.svc.spec.js
        │   └── github_user.svc.spec.js
        └── users/
            ├── show_user.ctrl.spec.js
            └── users.ctrl.spec.js