
Fluent pluggable interface for easily wrapping `describe` and `it` blocks in Jest tests.

MIT License


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Fluent pluggable interface for easily wrapping describe, it, and test blocks in Jest tests.


var wrap = require('jest-wrap');
var expect = require('chai').expect;

var mockWindow = {
	location: {
		href: 'test/url'
wrap().withGlobal('window', () => mockWindow).describe('mocked window', function () {
	it('is mocked', function () {

	it('has the right URL', function () {

var obj = { a: 1 };
wrap().withOverrides(() => obj, () => ({ a: 2, b: 3 })).describe('overridden object keys', function () {
	it('has "b"', function () {

	it('has overridden "a"', function () {

wrap().withOverride(() => obj, 'a', () => 4).skip().describe('this test is skipped', function () {
	it('also supports .only()!', function () {
		expect(true).to.equal(false); // skipped


A jest-wrap plugin is a named function that returns a JestWrapper instance or a descriptor object.

  • A plugin’s function name must begin with the string “with”.

  • Plugins can be globally registered, or .used ad-hoc.

  • .use requires a plugin function as its first argument; further arguments are passed through to the plugin.

  • .extend requires a non-empty description string, and a descriptor object which may contain a value that is a function, or an array of functions, whose keys correspond to any or all of the supported jest methods.

  • Globally registered plugins, .use calls, and .extend calls can be chained, stored, and reused - each link in the chain creates a new instance of a JestWrapper.

  • A descriptor object may contain any or all of these 5 keys:

  • a description string, for use in “describe” and/or “it” (this is required when returning an object)

  • beforeEach: a function, or array of functions, for use in a jest beforeEach function

  • afterEach: a function, or array of functions, for use in a jest afterEach function

  • beforeAll: a function, or array of functions, for use in a jest beforeAll function

  • afterAll: a function, or array of functions, for use in a jest afterAll function

The most common approach will be for a plugin function to return this.extend(description, descriptor).

A plugin function must have a name that starts with “with”, and will be invoked with a receiver (”this” value) of a JestWrapper instance.

To register a plugin, call the register function on jest-wrap with the plugin function. This should not be done in a reusable module.

module.exports = function withFoo(any, args, you, want) {
	return this.extend('with some foo stuff', {
		beforeEach: function () {
			// setup ran before each test
		afterEach: [
			function () {
				// teardown ran after each test
			function () {
				// more teardown
		beforeAll: function () {
			// setup ran once before all tests
		afterAll: function () {
			// teardown ran once after all tests


var wrap = require('jest-wrap');



Although jest has describe.skip, describe.only, it.skip, it.only, test.skip, and test.only, it is not possible to implement these in jest-wrap without using ES5 property accessors. Since this project supports ES3, we decided to use .skip().describe etc rather than forfeit the ability to have skip/only.


Simply clone the repo, npm install, and run npm test