

OTHER License


Note: This website was built off of a fork of the designtokens website which I also work on -- will update all the docs later!


Work in progress - public contributions aren't accepted for the moment.

Quick start

  1. Clone this repository

  2. In a terminal, cd into this directory

  3. Install nvm, and run this command to ensure your local environment is running the correct version of Node.js:

    nvm install

To run the website locally:

  1. Run yarn install (if the install fails, run rm -rf node_modules and try again)
  2. Run yarn develop


Run yarn storybook to preview stories in a browser.

Building the tokens

Design tokens are located in the packages/design-tokens directory.

  1. Make changes to files in packages/design-tokens/tokens
  2. Run yarn workspace @dtcg/design-tokens build

Deploying the site

Changes to master are automatically deployed to https://www.designtokens.org.

Note on MDX

Pages can be created and edited using JavaScript, JSX, and MDX.

Configuration: https://www.gatsbyjs.org/packages/gatsby-plugin-mdx/#configuration

Editing the code

Using VS Code is recommended.

To benefit from the best linting and on-save formatting experience, install the recommended extensions for the workspace, which are available as show below: