
Home of Justin Koebele's Photography site.


Justin Koebele Photo


I built Justin Koebele Photo for my buddy Justin. I had already made Fredducation and knew where to begin with creating a website. I learned a ton from making my language learning blog and took those lessons to this project. Justin wanted a place to show off his photography without using social media apps, which is something that resonated with me. This website is something we are proud of and hope you enjoy.

How was the site built?

For those that are curious as to how I made it or how one can make a similar site using Django, we've made the code available to all. Below is a nonexhaustive list of tools used to build the site.

  • Django Python Web Framework
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap 5 CSS Framework
  • JavaScript
  • Amazon Relational Database Service (AWS RDS) provided PostrgreSQL database.
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (AWS S3) for serving static assests.
  • Amazon Simple Email Service (AWS SES) for sending out a newsletter and receiving user sumbitted contact information.
  • Heroku Cloud Platform for deployment.

The main resource leaned on for builidng a basic understanding of Django was this YouTube playlist by CodingEntrepreneurs. From there, Fredducation was built and from that a better understanding of the tools was acquired. Taking lessons from Fredducation, I began building JK Photo to fit Justin's wants and needs.


If you have any questions, I encourage you to reach out to myself or Justin at [email protected] or [email protected], respectively. You may also submit a question on Fredducation's contact page.