
Autosuggest JavaScript tool using jsT9



Autosuggest JavaScript tool using jsT9


  1. Create a jsT9 tree with the words
  2. Create a new jsAutoSuggest object, passing the field from where the input will be taken and where the suggestion box will be appended, the tree (or the path of a JSON file with the words, see jsT9 documentation), and a custom settings object if needed (the settings documentation is in the next section).
  3. Run the method init() of jsAutoSuggest.

For more info, see the example.

Custom settings


  • select: A function (that receiva a word as argument) that runs after the user clicks an suggestion.
  • create: Function (that receive a suggestion HTML element as argument) that will be applied to any of the suggestions of the menu.
  • show: Function that runs right after the list is showed


  • suggestionClass: String with one or more classes (separated with spaces) to any of the options of the suggestion menu.
  • hideOnChoose: Hides the suggestion menu when the user clicks on some of them. (Default: true).
  • fillOnChoose: Fills the field with the option when it's choosen. (Default: true).
  • hideOnClickOutside: Hides the suggestion menu when the user clicks out of it. (Default: true).
  • debounce: Debounces the showing of the list of suggestions. (Default: false).
  • debounceTime: Time of debouncing in milliseconds. (Default: 500).
  • treeOptions: Used to build the tree (but not required) if a JSON file path is passed as second argument.


  • init: Start the jsAutoSuggest use.
  • show(text): Show the list of suggestions for the given text. If text is not passed, it takes the current field value.
  • hide: Hides the list of suggestions.