
A javascript implementation of json hyper schema.

MIT License


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A javascript implementation of json hyper schema.

This is currently under heavy development, expect the API to change. The tests are probably the best description of the functionality so far. So here is the spec so far:

  extract sub schema
    plain schema
       return a new schema the one sub schema
      - throws if not pointing to a subschema
    non property pointer
       extracts that schema
    not keyword
       extracts the not schema
       includes the schema if allOf if matching the property name
       does not include the schema if matching properties or patternProperties
       does include the schema if not matching properties or patternProperties
       does include the schema if not matching properties or patternProperties
      - works with nested dependencies
    schemas in arrays
       extracts allOf
       extracts anyOf
       extracts oneOf
       extracts deeply nested ones

     returns no value if not in instance
     sets properties as not accepting user input if no hrefSchema or set to false
     sets properties as not accepting user input if one property is false
     works with patternproperties
     works with normal properties, patternproperties and additionalProperties

     returns empty object when no templated parts
     returns data from instance when templated
     returns empty if not existing in the template
     supports absolute templatePointers
     returns all values
     supports relative templatePointers

  relative json pointer util
    resolve to value
       resolves 0 from root
       resolves 0
       resolves 1
       resolves 1/0
       resolves 1/highly/nested/objects
       resolves from within array to sibling array in parent
       does not throw if 0 value and root reference
       throws if with leading zeros
       throws if non number
       throws when trying to go above the root
       throws if trying to get key of root
       resolves 0/objects
    resolve to property name
       resolves to index in array
       resolves to property name

  Link discovery based on examples in the JSON hyper schema spec
     Spec examples: Entry point links, no templates. Example in 9.1
     Spec examples: Individually Identified Resources Example in 9.2
     Spec examples: Updated entry point schema with thing Example in 9.2
     Spec examples: Submitting a payload and accepting URI input Example in 9.3

  41 passing (17ms)
  2 pending


The following utils are currently in this repository, but will probably become their own package: