
Adapter to different JSON-schema validators

MIT License



Adapter to different JSON-schema (draft4) validators

Supported validators

You must install the validator(s) you use separately.

See Validators compatibility and json-schema-benchmark.


npm install json-schema-consolidate
npm install <validator>


var consolidate = require('json-schema-consolidate');
var Validator = consolidate('<validator>');
var validator = new Validator(options); // or Validator(options);


var consolidate = require('json-schema-consolidate');
var validator = consolidate('<validator>', options);


var result = validator.validate(schema, json); // { valid: true/false, errors: [...] }

schema can be a string, in which case it will be JSON.parse'd.

If you need to validate with the previously added schema, you can either use getSchema to retrieve it or pass { $ref: '<id>' } as the schema.

If the referenced schema is missing it is an error (for all validators - tv4 is corrected in this case).

For compiling validators, this method will cache compiled schemas using serialized schema as a key (json-stable-stringify is used).


(create validating function)

var validate = validator.compile(schema);
var result = validate(json); // { valid: true/false, errors: [...] }

For interpreting validators this method will simply return a closure that can be used to validate json, but there will be no performance gain.

Add schema

(that can be referred to in other schemas)

validator.addSchema(schema, id);

If id is not passed, schema.id will be used

schema can be array of schemas, in which case the second parameter is not used.

Get schema

(previously added)

var schema = validator.getSchema(id);


These options are available in all supported validators:

  • allErrors - continue validation after errors and return all validation errors.

  • schemas - include some schemas, same result as calling addSchema method.

  • formats - define additional formats, most validators support RegExp and functions. Format function should return validation success as boolean for ALL validators used with json-schema-consolidate.

Validator specific options can also be passed.

Validators compatibility

validator meta ref allErrors formats compile fails
ajv -/1
is-my-json-valid short - 3/9
jayschema - - 1/5
jjv - - 3/4
jsck - - 3/11
jsen - - 7/7
jsonschema - full - - 4/3
schemasaurus - - - RegExp 8/10
skeemas full - - - 3/1
themis - 3/8
tv4 - - 2/11
z-schema -/6
  • meta: validator can correctly validate schema against meta-schema. Some validators validate valid schemas as invalid or just throw error in this test.

  • ref: support for referencing schemas in other files. Some validators support only full uris, some only short uris and some support both (✓).

  • allErrors: if supported, the validator will stop after the first error unless this options is set to true.

  • formats: most validators support functions and RegExp (some only with this package) as custom formats (✓). Some support only RegExp.

  • compile: validators that compile schemas into validating functions. Even if a validator doesn't compile schemas, you can use compile method - it will return a function that will validate using the passed schema.

  • fails: the number of tests that fails. The first number - tests in json-schema-consolidate interface tests, the second - the tests in the official json-schema draft4 test suite.

Running tests

To run tests you need to install json-schema-tests and all validators:

npm install
npm install -g coffee-script
npm install -g json-schema-tests

Then you can run tests with ./test script:

./test --full
./test <validator>
./test <validator> --short

Skipped tests are features in validators that are either not implemented or failing.
