
GUI for json-server




The json-server module starts a server exposing a dynamic REST API: any call to /somethings on your server will act like a standard REST API with no schema constraint. Checkout the project for more information.

JSON Server GUI just adds a GUI on top, based on node-webkit.


During JavaScript trainings you may want your trainees to work with a REST API (let's say, when you talk about Ajax :)). The best way would be to provide a single executable they can click on, and start experiments.

With this very simple GUI they can see the data in real time, and the requests they played. They have a direct feedback, without the need to tell them how to install a server, use a CLI, or even host your own server.



Pre-built binaries for latest version are available here:


Clone the repository, then run make. The project will build for Linux (32 & 64 bits), Windows (32 bits), and Max OSX.

It can last about a century first time as it will download all corresponding node-webkit distributions.

To build specific for a specific platform:

make build-linux32
make build-linux64
make build-windows
make build-osx


  • $APP_DIR/public is served as document root
  • $APP_DIR/db.json is your data file
  • Some behavior can be defined from environment variables:
    • APP_DIR = directory where we'll search for db.json and public folder (default = app's folder)
    • PORT = server's port (default = 26080)


  • Better GUI
  • Persisted configuration (instead of env)

How to contribute

  • Fork & clone
  • Install node-webkit for your platform (alternatively, you can run make build-<your platform> and grab node-webkit from node_modules/node-webkit-builder/cache/0.10.5/<your platform>/, saving you a duplicate download)
  • Make your changes and test them by running /path/to/nw src
  • Create a pull request