
Check jspm dependencies for outdated packages

MIT License


Check if your JSPM dependencies are outdated.


npm install -g jspm-check-updates


cd /your-project

The output looks like this

  • Inside range is the highest available version that matches the range in your package.json
  • Outside range is the latest version for that package.

This tool ignores all GitHub tags that are not semver.

GitHub API rate limits

GitHub is very strict about rate limits, something like 60 requests an hour. If you get rate limited you can set GITHUB_TOKEN or JSPM_GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN with a GitHub personal access token.


There are several great modules to check your npm dependencies, but none of them supports JSPM. I could have a made a PR to any of those projects but I'm lazy and I don't want to understand someone else code.

This is the quickest and dirtiest tool that does the job. It works on my machine for the projects I care about. If you have any issue or want some new cool feature, submit a PR, I probably won't spend much time on this.
