
A sample cart app written using Alt and friends.

MIT License


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Jumar's Tindahan

A sample cart app written in Alt.

This project was mainly about trying out Flux (Thanks, Alt, this was easier with you), Immutable, and also an approach to placing css along with its respective components (check the components).


  • I think trying to check if a Product exists (by checking index == -1 from findIndex) was useless. It was expected that no non-existent Product would be removed from ProductStore.
  • Immutable data structures makes data easier to maintain and predict.
  • LESS, as of this time of writing, does not support globbing in which I used less-plugin-glob by just-boris. I also had to @import the main files which is really tedious and non-dry, especially in actual projects.
  • LESS's feat that everything is a mixin is pretty neat.
  • Flux is so awesome.


  • React - UI Library
  • Alt - Library based on Flux
  • Immutable.js - Immutable persistent data collections for JS

Local Setup

At this time of writing, this project requires node >=v0.10 and npm.

git clone https://github.com/srph/jumars-tindahan && cd jumars-tindahan
npm install
npm run build
npm run style
open index.html


Jumar's Tindahan © 2015+, Kier Borromeo (srph). Jumar's Tindahan is released under the MIT license.

srph.github.io  ·  GitHub @srph  ·  Twitter @_srph