
A template driven Ember table that supports fixed columns, resizable columns, colspan headers, infinite scroll pagination, and collapsable (grouped) rows.

MIT License


Ember Justa Table

A Glimmer-compatible Ember Component that renders HTML tables.


Here is the simplest way to get started with justa-table:

ember install cball/justa-table
ember install ember-cli-sass

Note: Ember CLI versions < 0.2.3 should use ember install:addon instead of ember install


@import "justa-table/justa-table-structure";
@import "justa-table/justa-table-appearance";

Getting Started

Currently, this addon is still in its very early stages, but it is usable.

You're encouraged to browse the full list of components available to your application, but everything starts by initializing a justa-table block and passing data down to it as content:

{{#justa-table content=content as |table|}}

The justa-table component will yield back a table object, and you can use this within it's block context to compose even more pieces of your table structure:

{{#justa-table content=content as |table|}}
  {{#table-columns table=table as |row|}}


    {{#table-column headerName='Image'}}
      <a href="#">
        <img src={{row.image}} height="32" {{action 'imageClicked' row}} />

    {{#each dynamicColumns as |dynamicColumn index|}}


justa-table Component API

The root component that sets up the overall structure of the table and stores its content. When provided with content, this yields itself back to its template's block scope, and serves as a container for composing inner table components.

As mentioned, the justa-table component represents the root of the addon. It's in charge of setting up your overall table structure, storing your content, and establishing a template block context for composing inner justa-table child components.

  • Parameters:

    • content {Array} required: A list of objects -- where each object will constitute one of the table's rows.

      default: null

    • tableHeight {number}: The initial and max height of the table. ✋ NOTE: The table will overflow if rows exceed this number.

      default: 500

    • rowHeight {number}: The height or each row in the table.

      default: 37

    • paginate {boolean}: Whether or not the table should use pagination. If true, a new page will fire the on-load-more-rows action when it enters the viewport.

      default: false

    • rowClasses {Array}: CSS classes to apply to table rows.

      default: null

    • caption {string}: Content to be placed within a <caption> element. If applied, this element will be rendered as the first child node of the <table>.

      default: null

    • captionAlignment {string}: "left", "center", or "right" text alignment for the caption.

      default: null

    • hideCaption {boolean}: hide the table caption from view, but still render it for accessibility.

      default: false

    • rowGroupDataName {string}: The name of data property for row groups in the table columns. If using a collapsable table, the justa-table component will add a dynamic key to each row in the collapseTableData based on the rowGroupDataName that recomputes the collapseTableData.

      default: 'data' constraint: Must be using a collapsable table with collapseTableData

    • hideOffscreenContent {boolean}: Whether or not the component should hide out-of-viewport content (vertical only for now).

      default: false

    • offscreenContentBufferSize {number}: The amount of additional rows to load on to the top/bottom of the viewport when hiding offscreen content. This will round up/down to the nearest row.

      default: 0.5


  • git clone https://github.com/cball/justa-table.git
  • cd justa-table
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.

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