
Node.JS, Socket.IO-based realtime chat structured with Knockout and designed with Bootstrap. Enough buzzwords for you?


Kittens Chat

This here's my attempt to write a neat-o node.js-based chat. You can find the live demo at but it might not be up-to-date.


One of the nice things about is that it allows one to define custom events at will. Kittens Chat uses the following events:

Emitted by server

  • history: Sends an object containing every message recorded (These are still lost in the event of a server restart)
  • message: Sends data* about a singular message
  • loginAck: Acknowledges a client's login, assigns them a color
  • announce: When someone logs in, their username is broadcasted out to welcome them

Emitted by client

  • login: Sends the desired username to the server
  • message: Sends a message that the user just typed in to the server
  • remind: Quick fix for when the server loses all usernames on restart. remind reminds the server of the user's name/color.
  • roomChange: The client wants to change to a new room

* A message is an object with four properties:

  • author: Username of person who sent the message
  • color: What color the author should display as
  • text: Text content of the message. HTML will be escaped by Knockout.js
  • time: Date object of when the message was recieved by the server

TODO for v1:

  • Store history in MongoDB
  • Dynamic system message of the day
  • Format all messages in the code to be in the right order (They currently work, just bring them up to standard)
  • Refactor user names/colors. There should be a central store either on client or server.
  • Write up documentation on installing
  • More permenant logins (session)
  • Create system event for messages sent by system (only needing to send a string)

More TODO (if you're interested in contributing)

  • Users can create rooms
  • Various Forks/Branches
    • Teaching (Lots of extra comments explaining what's going on)
    • Troll chat (Randomly inserts extra messages, sends messages from other people, etc.)
    • Micro chat (Something intended as a plugin, instead of a complete package. Think of a small chat in the sidebar)