
UI knobs controllers for JS/CSS live manipulation of various parameters

AGPL-3.0 License



  • range input (wheel-supported)
  • color input with awesome custom color picker
  • checkbox input
  • radio inputs group
  • select dropdown (native)
  • Custom HTML-Knobs (add your own buttons or whatever)
  • Resset all knobs (to defaults)
  • Reset individual knob
  • Labels - group all the knobb defined after a certain label
  • Expand/Collapse knobs groups
  • Apply changes live, on-the-fly, or with an Apply button
  • Auto-detect CSS variables defined in knobs as their initialvalues, if possible
  • Knobs are completely isolated within an iframe (unaffected by your page styles)
  • Allows 3 states of visibility:
    • 0 - Starts as hidden
    • 1 - Starts as visible
    • 2 - Always visible
  • Knobs component placement position (relative to window viewport):
    • top right (default)
    • bottom right
    • top left
    • bottom left
  • Allows theme customization (currently very limited)


All is needed is to include the knobs script on the page, and set it up.

new Knobs(settings)


Name Type Default Info
theme Object Knobs theme variables. Since the Knobs are encapsulated within an iframe, they cannot be be styled from outside.
live Boolean true Should changes be immediately applied
persist Boolean false Persist changes using the browser's localstorage. Store key/value per knob, where key is the knob's label.
visible Number 0 0 - Starts as hidden 1 - Starts as visible 2 - Always visible
CSSVarTarget Element/NodeList Global HTML element(s) for which to apply the CSS custom properties. Can also be configured per-knob.
knobsToggle Boolean false if true - adds a checkbox next to each knob, which allows temporarily disabling the knob, reverting to default
knobs Array Array of Objects describing the knobs controllers on-screen
standalone Boolean false if true - does not create an iframe and appends it to the page, but simply gives the developer the DOM node, as is, to inject manually with knobs.DOM.scope node. Note that CSS in also needed ('./src/styles/styles.scss`)
  styles      : ``,                // optioanlly add any CSS and it will be injected into the iframe
  flow        : 'horizontal',      // use 'compact' to keep things tight
  position    : 'top right',
  primaryColor: '#0366D6',         // mainly for links / range sliders
  'base-color': "rgba(0,0,0,1)",   // mainly for the background color but also for input fields such as text or number
  textColor   : "#CCC",
  border      : 'none'

An array of Objects, where the properties describe a knob.

It is possible to define/update the knobs Array after instance initialization, like so:

var myKnobs = new Knobs({ CSSVarTarget:document.body }) // only if working with CSS variables

myKnobs.knobs = [{...}, ...] // Add/change the knobs. will automatically re-render (see example further below)

All defined knob properties, beside a special few, are attributes that are applied on the HTML input element that controls the knob, so it is up to the developer who set up the knobs to use the appropriate attributes, for each type of of the supported knobs (range, color, checkbox).

The special other properties are:


Callback which fires on every input event


Optional. An array of 3 items:

  1. (String) - CSS variable name
  2. (String) - Units (optional - Ex. % or px)
  3. (HTML NODE) - Reference to an HTML node to apply the knob's CSS variable on (optional)

Sometimes it is wanted for variables to be defined unitless, for calculation-purposes, like so:

  --size: 10;
  /* limits with width to a minimum of 10px by using unitless variable for the "max" function */
  width: calc(Max(50, var(--size)) * 1px);

So, when a unitless-variable is desired, but ultimatly it will have a unit, then units (2nd item in the array) should be written with a dash prefix, Ex.: -px, and it will be displayed in the label correctly but ignored when applying the variable.

cssVarsHSLA (boolean)

Applies only to color knobs and if set to true will generate 4 CSS variables for the HSLA version of the color.

--main-color-h, --main-color-s, --main-color-l & --main-color-a.

  cssVar: ['main-color'],
  cssVarsHSLA: true,
  label: 'Page background',
  type: 'color',
  defaultFormat: 'hsla',

defaultFormat (string)

Applies only to color knobs. Sets the default format displayed to the user and also the value which will be set to the input. Possible values are: hsla, rgba, hex.

label (string)

A text which is displayed alongside the knob

labelTitle (string)

Optional title attribute for the knob's label

value (string, number)

Acts as the initial value of the knob, except for checkbox knobs, in which case, if the knob also has cssVar property set, then the checkbox is checked, that CSS variable value will be the value property of the knob, Ex.

  cssVar: ['hide'], // CSS variable name "--hide"
  label: 'Show',
  type: 'checkbox',
  // checked: true,  // not checked by default
  value: 'none', // if checked: --hide: none;

Then in your CSS you can write the below, so when --hide is not defined, block is used as the display property value.

display: var(--hide, block);

It is possible to use an already-declared CSS-varaible (on the target element) by emmiting the value prop from the knob decleration. The program will try to get the value using getComputedStyle and getPropertyValue.

Variables which has calc or any other computations might result in NaN. In which case, a console.warn will be presented and a manually typed value property for the knob would be advised.

isToggled (boolean) If this property is set to false, the knob will be toggled off by default.

Will only take affect if knobsToggle setting is set to true

options (array) Used for knobs of type select. An Array of options to render.

[20, 150, [200, '200 nice pixels'], 500]

An option can be split to the actual value it represents and its textual value, as the above example shows.

knobClass (string) Add your own class to the knob (row) element itself (for styling purposes). Remember that in order to add custom styles, the theme.styles setting should be used, because all knobs are encapsulated within an iframe so your page styles won't affect anything that's inside.

render (string) Allows to render anything you want in the knob area. Should return a string of HTML, for example:

  render: `
    <button onclick='alert(1)'>1</button>
    <button onclick='alert(2)'>2</button>
  knobClass: 'custom-actions'

script (function) A function to be called which has logic related to the custom HTML in the render property (shown above). The function recieves 2 arguments: The knobs instance referece and the (auto)generated knob name string.

  label: 'Custom HTML with label',
  render: `
    <button type='button' class='specialBtn1'>1</button>
    <button type='button' class='specialBtn2'>2</button>
  script(knobs, name){
    knobs.getKnobElm(name).addEventListener("click", e => {
      if( == 'BUTTON' )


npm i @yaireo/knobs

CDN source:


When Using with NPM, first import Knobs

import Knobs from '@yaireo/knobs'

Color manipulation methods:

format & CSStoHSLA are defined on Knobs' instances in color property, for example:

const myKnobs = new Knobs({
  knobs: [
      cssVar: ['bg'], // alias for the CSS variable
      label: 'Color',
      type: 'color',
      value: '#45FDA9',
      onChange(e, knobData, hsla) => {
        console.log( myKnobs.format(knobData.value, 'rgb') )  // will print a color string in RGBA


See color-picker docs

Defining Knobs:

var settings = {
  theme: {
    position: 'bottom right', // default is 'top left'

  // should update immediately (default true)
  live: false,

  // 0 - starts as hidden, 1 - starts as visible, 2 - always visible
  visible: 0,

  CSSVarTarget: document.querySelector('.testSubject'),

  knobs: [
      cssVar: ['width', '-px'], // prefix unit with '-' makes it only a part of the title but not of the variable
      label: 'Width',
      labelTitle: 'Changes the width at steps of 50 pixels',
      type: 'range',
      value: 200,
      min: 0,
      max: 500,
      step: 50,
      onChange: console.log  // javascript callback on every "input" event

      cssVar: ['width', '-px'],
      label: 'Width preset',
      type: 'select',
      options: [20, 150, [200, '200 nice pixels'], 500],
      value: 150, // should be one of the options
      defaultValue: 150 // value for which to reset to (optional)
      isToggled: false, // this knob will not take affect by default

      cssVar: ['height', 'vh'],
      label: 'Height',
      type: 'range',
      // value: 20,  // if a value is not defined, Knobs will try to get it from the CSS ("CSSVarTarget" selector) automatically
      min: 0,
      max: 100,
      onChange: console.log

      cssVar: ['align'],
      label: 'Align boxes',
      type: 'radio',
      name: 'align-radio-group',
      options: [
        { value:'left', hidden:true, label: '<svg ...' },
        { value: 'center', label:'Center' },
        { value:'right', hidden:true, label:'<svg ...' }
      value: 'center',
      defaultValue: 'left'

      cssVar: ['radius', '%'],
      label: 'Radius of the big square here',
      type: 'range',
      value: 0,
      min: 0,
      max: 50,
      onChange: console.log

    "Label example",

      cssVar: ['bg'], // alias for the CSS variable
      label: 'Color',
      type: 'color',
      defaultFormat: 'hsla',
      cssVarsHSLA: true,
      value: '#45FDA9',
      swatches: ['red', 'gold'],  //  swatches which can be selected inside the color picker
      onChange: (e, knobData, hsla) => console.log(e, knobData, hsla, knobData.value)

      cssVar: ['main-bg', null, document.body], // [alias for the CSS variable, units, applies on element]
      label: 'Background',
      type: 'color',
      value: '#FFFFFF',
      onChange: (e, knobData, hsla) => console.log(e, knobData, hsla, knobData.value)

    ["Label example", false] // group is collapsed by default
      cssVar: ['hide'], // alias for the CSS variable
      label: 'Show',
      type: 'checkbox',
      // checked: true,  // default
      value: 'none',
      onChange: console.log

      label: 'Custom with label',
      render: `
        <button type='button' class='specialBtn1'>1</button>
        <button type='button' class='specialBtn2'>2</button>
      script(knobs, name){
        knobs.getKnobElm(name).addEventListener("click", e => {
          if( == 'BUTTON' )

      render: `
        <button type='button' class='specialBtn3'>😎</button>
        const elm = knobs.DOM.scope.querySelector('.specialBtn3')
        elm.addEventListener("click", () => alert('😎'))
      knobClass: 'custom-actions'

var penKnobs = new Knobs(settings)