
Function to create bindings between Dojo / Dijit widgets and knockout js observables


Knockout-Dojo connector

It is a function to bind Dojo/Dijit widgets with Knockout JS observables. Accepts "options" objects with following list of fields:

  • element: Dojo/Dijit element to bind. You can define it as dijit.byId("someId")
  • elementId: Dijit element id
  • elements: A valid dojo.query parameter to find all widgets (probably the only use-case is radio buttons)

Either element, elementId or elements parameter is required

  • elementAttribute: Attribute of Dijit element to be changed on observable changes (default "value")
  • event: Element's event to be listened by observable (a String), default is "onChange"
  • observable (required): KnockoutJS observable to bind on other side. Usually
    looks like viewModel.someValue
  • dojoEventHandler: Function which changes observable value on a basis of new
    value received from Dojo. Can be set to null in case of one-way knockout -> dojo binding
  • knockoutObservableHandler: Function which changes Dijit widget state on a
    basis of new knockout observable value. Can be set to null in case of one-way
    dojo -> knockout binding

Textbox usage sample:


var viewModel = {
     firstName: ko.observable()


<input type="text" name="firstName" data-dojo-type="dijit.form.TextBox" id="firstName">


bindDojoAndKnockout({element: dijit.byId('firstName'), observable: viewModel.firstName});

Checkbox usage sample

The only difference is that elementAttribute we'd like to get value of is "checked"


var viewModel = {
     agree: ko.observable()


<input type="checkbox" name="agree" data-dojo-type="dijit.form.CheckBox" id="agree">


bindDojoAndKnockout({elementId: 'agree', elementAttribute: 'checked', observable: viewModel.agree});

Radio buttons usage sample

Radio buttons are special case

  1. You need to select all radio buttons with a given name with elements attribute
  2. Value of knockout observable is set to currently active radio button


var viewModel { 
     drink: ko.observable()


    <input type="radio" name="drink" dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton" value="coffee" id="coffeeButton"> Coffee
    <input type="radio" name="drink" dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton" value="tea" id="teaButton"> Tea


bindDojoAndKnockout({elements: 'input[type=radio]', observable: viewModel.drink})