
Table binding plugin for Knockout


TABLE binding for Knockout

The table binding provides a fast method for displaying tables of data using Knockout. table is about ten times faster than nested foreach bindings.


This example outputs a two-dimensional array as a table.

var vm = {
    data: [
        [ 1, 2, 3 ],
        [ 4, 5, 6 ],
        [ 7, 8, 9 ]
<table data-bind="table: data"></table>

This example uses a header array (which determines the number of columns in the table) and a data two-dimensional array.

var vm = {
    header: [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ],
    data: [
        [ 1, 2, 3 ],
        [ 4, 5, 6 ],
        [ 7, 8, 9 ]
<table data-bind="table: { header: header, data: data }"></table>

This example uses rows and columns definition arrays and a data object.

var vm = {
    columns: [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ],
    rows: [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ],
    data: {
        a: { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 },
        b: { x: 4, y: 5, z: 6 },
        c: { x: 7, y: 8, z: 9 }
<table data-bind="table: { header: columns, rows: rows, columns: columns, data: data }"></table>

This example uses header and dataItem options to define the values for those items.

var vm = {
    columns: [
        { heading: 'x', datavalue: 'col1' },
        { heading: 'y', datavalue: 'col2' },
        { heading: 'x', datavalue: 'col3' } ]
    data: [
        { col1: 1, col2: 2, col3: 3 },
        { col1: 4, col2: 5, col3: 6 },
        { col1: 7, col2: 8, col3: 9 }
<table data-bind="table: { columns: columns, data: data, header: 'heading', dataItem: 'datavalue' }"></table>

This example uses header and dataItem functions to define the values (uses same view model as above).

<table data-bind="table: { columns: columns,
                           data: data,
                           header: function(col) { return col.heading },
                           dataItem: function(row, col, data) { return data[row][col.datavalue] } }">

This example uses a dataItem function to output a multiplication table (up to five).

<table data-bind="table: { columns: 5, rows: 5, dataItem: function(row, col) { return (row+1) * (col+1) } }"></table>


The table binding expects a single parameter of a two-dimensional array to output. It also accepts an object literal with the following properties:

  • data - an array or object containing either objects or arrays, depending on the columns and rows options. data is required unless a dataItem function is provided.
  • columns - either the number of columns in the table or an array, with each item representing a column. In the former case, the rows in data should be arrays; in the latter case, they should be objects, with the values in columns being the keys in the object. If no columns option is provided, it will default to either the length of the header array (if it’s given and an array) or the longest row in data. columns can also be an array of objects, in which case the dataItem option must also be specified.
  • rows - either the number of the rows in the table or an array, with each item representing a row. In the former case, data should be an array of rows; in the latter case, it should be an object, with the values in rows being the keys for each row. If no rows option is given, it will default to the length of the data array.
  • header - either an array of header values, a function that returns the header for each column value, or a string used to read the header from the column object. (optional)
  • dataItem - either a function that returns the data value for a given row and column, or a string used to read the data-item key from the column object (which is then used to read from the row object). (optional)
  • evenClass - the name of a class that will be applied to even rows in the table, starting with the second row. (optional)

Any of the above parameters can be an observable and will cause the table to be regenerated if updated. For the purpose of making the binding faster, the entries in data, rows, columns, or headers cannot be observables. The actual data items, though, can be observable, and if updated, will update only the corresponding table cell’s contents.

How this binding works

The table binding uses a very fast method of table generation. 1) It first generates the table HTML as a string. 2) It then parses the string into DOM elements using innerHTML on a detached node. 3) Finally, it inserts the table contents into the table element in the document.

Additional interfaces

  • ko.utils.safeString(string) - returns the string wrapped in a special object. The table binding will accept this string as safe and not escape it. This allows you to output HTML codes as part of the row or header data.
  • ko.utils.escape(string) - returns a string with HTML special characters (&, <, >, ", etc.) converted to entities. This is used internally by the table binding to ensure that data values are treated as text when assembled into the table HTML.

License and Contact

License: MIT (

Michael Best [email protected]