
Simple file uploader for KnockoutJS

OTHER License



This very simple project aims at producing an upload file manager with a help of KnockoutJS framework and a minimal amount of code. At this moment the communication with server is done by a very useful filepicker library.


The project contains two custom bindings for KnockoutJS. First of them droparea, see scripts/droparea.js, simply makes a DOM element responsive to the drop event. It is possible to define the corresponding callback in the following way

<div data-bind="droparea: { drop: dropCallback }"></div>

The second one, named uploader (see scripts/droparea.js) is intended to simplify the process of uploading a file. It adds two properties to the context of its descendants uploadFile and listOfFiles. The former is pretty strightforward, it takes a File object and it tries to upload it to the server. The latter is a ko.observableArray object that manages the uploading queue. Each element of this array is an object of the following form

  name: 'fileName',
  size: 1024, // in bytes
  status: ko.observable('success'), // or one of [null, 'error', 'uploading']
  link: ko.observable(''),
  progress: ko.observable(100),

which you can use to monitor the uploading process of each separated file. We also provide a simple example of how to use the bindings described above. If you're interested, please checkout demo.html for further details.

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