UI Package

UI component and style package for BTT frontend apps.


The storybook is deployed in the Github pages.



  • docker-compose exec <app> yarn upgrade ui
  • docker-compose stop <app>
  • docker-compose rm <app>
  • docker-compose up -d

Run Storybook app locally

  • yarn run storybook

Deploy Storybook

Storybook is deployed via the gh-pages branch on this repo.

  • yarn storybook:deploy


NextJS only allows you to add relative styles to _app.tsx file. The _app.tsx is rendered for all the pages present inside a NextJS application. Because of these, when the styles are imported from UI into _app.tsx, the styles of new home pages are also getting affected. As a result, we can't port this repository into blue-haven.

Extracted from project README
JavaScript Style Guide Storybook