
A simple, yet flexible, Node client library for MPD, the hackable headless audio playback server.



A simple, yet flexible, Node client library for MPD, the hackable headless audio playback server. As a bonus, it runs the same if you use it server-side or on the browser!


npm install komponist

Of course, before you go ahead and write any code - make sure you install MPD and start it up wherever you want to play your music from. You should probably get MPC (the simple CLI client) too.

Basic Usage

With a small number of exceptions, komponist exposes all of the available commands as callback-style methods. For a full list check out the docs.

var komponist = require('komponist')

var client = komponist.createConnection(6600, 'localhost', function() {
  client.add('~/iTunes', function(err) {
    client.play(function(err) {
      client.currentsong(function(err, info) {
        console.log(info.Artist); // Ennio Morricone
        console.log(info.Title);  // Il Buono, Il Cattivo, Il Brutto
        console.log(info.Album);  // The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

If you prefer to just fire and forget, you can omit the callbacks.

// You can always omit the port/host if you're running
// MPD locally and with the default settings.
komponist.createConnection(function(err, client) {

There's also a general purpose command method:

var client = komponist.createConnection(function() {
  // Jump 60 seconds into the 5th track in your playlist:
  client.command('seek', [5, 60], function(err) {
    // And stop playing when it's done.

The client returned by komponist.createConnection is just an extended TCP stream, so if you like you can just pipe data around the Node way:

var fs = require('fs')
  , client = komponist.createConnection()

// Pipe a list of commands to MPD from
// a file, piping the raw response out to
// stdout! (For kicks)
fs.createReadStream('./commands.mpd', 'utf8')

Watching for Changes

If you're building an interface-driven client for MPD, you're going to want to be able to listen for changes as they happen. This is all taken care of for you: just listen for the "changed" event for MPD updates.

var komponist = require('komponist')

komponist.createConnection(6600, 'localhost')
   .on('changed', function(system) {
     console.log('Subsystem changed: ' + system);

According to the MPD protocol documentation, you can track changes to the following systems this way:

  • update: a database update has started or finished.
  • database: the song database has been modified after update.
  • stored_playlist: a stored playlist has been modified.
  • playlist: the current playlist has been modified.
  • player: the player has been started, stopped or seeked.
  • mixer: the volume has been changed.
  • output: an audio output has been enabled or disabled.
  • options: options like repeat, random, crossfade, replay gain.
  • sticker: the sticker database has been modified.
  • subscription: a client has subscribed or unsubscribed to a channel.


MPD has simple publish/subscribe support for communicating across multiple clients. Using the publish and subscribe methods, you can send messages to other subscribers across the network, e.g. for simple service discovery.

komponist.createConnection(function(err, subscriber) {

  subscriber.on('message', function(message, channel) {
    console.log('Got message "' + message + '" on channel "' + channel + '"');

komponist.createConnection(function(err, publisher) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    publisher.publish('hello', 'message #1');
    publisher.publish('world', 'message #2');
  }, 1000);

// Output:
// Got message "message #1" on channel "hello"
// Got message "message #2" on channel "world"


MPD stickers are a way for you to store arbitrary data in the MPD database, associated with particular objects. Note that to enable stickers, add sticker_file ~/.mpd/mpd.stickers to your mpd.conf file.

komponist.createConnection(function(err, client) {
  client.sticker('song', 'iTunes/song1.mp3').set({
      hello: 'world'
    , lorem: 'ipsum'
  }, function(err) {
    // The sticker method returns a reusable object, taking
    // the arguments "type" and "uri".
    var sticker = client.sticker('song', 'iTunes/song1.mp3');

    sticker.get('hello', function(err, data) {
      console.log(data); // { hello: 'world' }

    sticker.get(['hello', 'lorem'], function(err, data) {
      console.log(data); // { hello: 'world', lorem: 'ipsum' }

    sticker.list(function(err, data) {
      console.log(data); // { hello: 'world', lorem: 'ipsum' }

    client.sticker('song', 'iTunes').find('lorem', function(err, data) {
      console.log(data[0].file);    // 'iTunes/song1.mp3'
      console.log(data[0].sticker); // { name: 'lorem', value: 'ipsum' }
      console.log(data[1].file);    // 'iTunes/song2.mp3'
      console.log(data[1].sticker); // { name: 'lorem', value: 'another ipsum' }

  client.sticker('song', 'iTunes/song2.mp3').set({
    lorem: 'another ipsum'

If you're looking to use the command in the same style as above, it's still accessible as komponist._sticker().

Using Komponist in the Browser

Thanks to the fact that Komponist connections are streams, you can get the use the module just the same on the browser as you would server-side, using @substack's browserify module.

// On the server:
var http = require('http')
  , komponist = require('komponist')

var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
  res.end('Hello world.')

komponist.install(server, 'localhost', 6600);

// And on the browser:
var komponist = require('komponist');

komponist.createConnection(function(err, client) {
  client.status(function(err, status) {
    console.log('Status: ', status);

There's a full example available in the Github repository.


The following methods are reserved for TCP sockets, and as such have been aliased:

  • pause is now client.toggle()
  • kill is now client.killServer()
  • close will close the connection without issuing a command to MPD.

There's no support for command_list_* commands right now.

You can still access them as normal through the command method. If you come across any other bugs or inconsistencies, you're more than welcome create an issue or a pull request.