
Simple boilerplate to create a service with mongodb and graphql



A simple boilerplate using graphql to create a service with layers of middlewares and a simple folder structure, this project is for study purposes so feel free to fork and send pull requests to help me improve it.


Kraken have the following features:

  • Graphql-Yoga Fully-featured GraphQL Server based on express and apollo-server
  • 🛡️ Graphql-Middleware To create your middlewares in resolvers (with exceptions list of resolvers)
  • 🎩 Babel ES6 syntax
  • 🔥 Jest Jest, for your tests
  • ✔️ ESlint To clean and beautiful code (Airbnb styleguide)
  • 🐳 Docker To make your life easier

Getting started

  1. Clone this repo using
  2. Go to the newly created directory: cd kraken.
  3. Run yarn or npm install to install dependencies.
  4. Set your MONGO_URL in env.
  5. Run npm start or docker-compose up to see the example app at http://localhost:4000/playground.


  • npm start - start the playground at http://localhost:4000/playground


MIT license, Copyright (c) 2019 Wendel Freitas.