
Lightweight key-value storage library for Browser, Node.js, and In-Memory.

MIT License


KVS Actions Status: test

Key Value storage for Browser, Node.js, and In-Memory.

It is a monorepo for key-value storage.


I want to get universal storage library that works on Browser and Node.js.

Previously, I've created localstorage-ponyfill for this purpose. However, Window.localStorage does not work on Web Workers or Service Worker

@kvs/* packages provide async storage API using IndexedDB etc and resolve this issue.

Common Features

KVS libraries provide following common features.

  • Key-Value Storage
  • Async Read, and Write API
    • provide get, set, has, delete, and clear API
  • Migration API
    • Upgrade storage data via version and upgrade method
  • Tiny packages
    • Almost package size is 1kb(gzip)
  • TypeScript
    • All packages are written by TypeScript

Support Browsers

  • A browser that support AsyncIterator
    • It requires ES2018+ supports
  • Chromium-based(Google Chrome and MSEdge), Firefox, and macOS Safari


If you want to custom implementation, please see @kvs/storage and test it with @kvs/common-test-case.


@kvs/env support Browser and Node.js. In fact, browser use @kvs/indexeddb and Node.js use @kvs/node-localstorage.

import { KVSIndexedDB, kvsIndexedDB } from "@kvs/env";
(async () => {
    const storage = await kvsEnvStorage({
        name: "database-name",
        version: 1
    await storage.set("a1", "string"); 
    const a1 = await storage.get("a1");
    console.log(a1); // => "string"


@kvs/types define common interface.

Each constructor function like kvsEnvStorage return KVS object that has following methods. Also, KVS object define Symbol.asyncIterator, and you can iterate the storage by for await...of.

export type KVS<Schema extends StorageSchema> = {
     * Returns the value associated to the key.
     * If the key does not exist, returns `undefined`.
    get<K extends StoreNames<Schema>>(key: K): Promise<StoreValue<Schema, K> | undefined>;
     * Sets the value for the key in the storage. Returns the storage.
    set<K extends StoreNames<Schema>>(key: K, value: StoreValue<Schema, K> | undefined): Promise<KVS<Schema>>;
     * Returns a boolean asserting whether a value has been associated to the key in the storage.
    has(key: StoreNames<Schema>): Promise<boolean>;
     * Returns true if an key in the storage existed and has been removed.
     * Returns false if the key does not exist.
    delete(key: StoreNames<Schema>): Promise<boolean>;
     * Removes all key-value pairs from the storage.
     * Note: clear method does not delete the storage.
     * In other words, after clear(), the storage still has internal metadata like version.
    clear(): Promise<void>;
     * Drop the storage.
     * It delete all data that includes metadata completely.
    dropInstance(): Promise<void>;
     * Close the KVS connection
     * DB-like KVS close the connection via this method
     * Of course, localStorage-like KVS implement do nothing. It is just noop function
    close(): Promise<void>;
} & AsyncIterable<[StoreNames<Schema>, StoreValue<Schema, StoreNames<Schema>>]>;

Basic Usage

import assert from "assert";
import { kvsEnvStorage } from "@kvs/env";
(async () => {
    type StorageSchema = {
        a1: string;
        b2: number;
        c3: boolean;
    // open database and initialize it
    const storage = await kvsEnvStorage<StorageSchema>({
        name: "database-name",
        version: 1
    // set
    await storage.set("a1", "string"); // type check
    await storage.set("b2", 42);
    await storage.set("c3", false);
    // has
    console.log(await storage.has("a1")); // => true
    // get
    const a1 = await storage.get("a1"); // a1 will be string type
    const b2 = await storage.get("b2");
    const c3 = await storage.get("c3");
    assert.strictEqual(a1, "string");
    assert.strictEqual(b2, 42);
    assert.strictEqual(c3, false);
    // iterate
    for await (const [key, value] of storage) {
        console.log([key, value]);
    // delete
    await storage.delete("a1");
    // clear all data
    await storage.clear();


KVS support migration feature. You can define upgrade and use it as migration function.

import { kvsEnvStorage } from "@kvs/env";
(async () => {
    // Defaut version: 1 
    // when update version 1 → 2, call upgrace function
    const storage = await kvsEnvStorage({
        name: "database-name",
        version: 2,
        async upgrade({ kvs, oldVersion }) {
            if (oldVersion < 2) {
                await kvs.set("v1", "v1-migrated-value"); // modify storage as migration
    assert.strictEqual(await storage.get("v1"), "v1-migrated-value");

First Initializing

When open database at first time, this library also call upgrade function with { oldVersion: 0, newVersion: 1 }. So, You can implement 0 to 1 migration as initializing database.

import { KVSIndexedDB, kvsIndexedDB } from "@kvs/env";
(async () => {
    const storage = await kvsEnvStorage({
        name: "database-name",
        version: 1,
        async upgrade({ kvs, oldVersion, newVersion }) {
            console.log(oldVersion); // => 0
            console.log(newVersion); // => 1


KVS packages support Schema type. It helps you to define a schema of the storage.

import { KVSIndexedDB, kvsIndexedDB } from "@kvs/env";
(async () => {
    type StorageSchema = {
        a1: string;
        b2: number;
        c3: boolean;
    const storage = await kvsEnvStorage<StorageSchema>({
        name: "database-name",
        version: 1
    await storage.set("a1", "string"); // type check
    await storage.set("b2", 42);
    await storage.set("c3", false);
    const a1 = await storage.get("a1"); // a1 will be string type
    const b2 = await storage.get("b2");
    const c3 = await storage.get("c3");
    assert.strictEqual(a1, "string");
    assert.strictEqual(b2, 42);
    assert.strictEqual(c3, false);

Tips: Initial Data

You can also set up initial data using upgrade function. This approach help you to improve Scheme typing.

(async () => {
    type UnixTimeStamp = number;
    type Scheme = {
        timeStamp: UnixTimeStamp
    const storage = await kvsEnvStorage<Scheme>({
        name: "test-data",
        version: 1,
        async upgrade({ kvs, oldVersion, newVersion }) {
            // Initialize data
            // oldVersion is 0 and newVersion is 1 at first time
            if (oldVersion < 1) {
                await kvs.set("timeStamp", Date.now());
    const timeStamp = await storage.get("timeStamp");
    console.log(timeStamp); // => timestamp


  • azu/localstorage-ponyfill
    • It provides storage API based on localStorage API
  • KV Storage
    • This proposal aims to create "async local storage", but it is suspended
    • @kvs project aims to be similar one
  • localForage
    • It has same concept and similar API.
    • However, localForage size is large ~8.8kB(gzipped)
  • Unstorage
  • idb
    • @kvs type interface inspired by idb
    • If you want to use only IndexedDB directly, I recommend to use idb
    • It has low level API for IndexedDB


See Releases page.


This repository use Yarn. You need to build before editing each packages.

# install and link
yarn install
# build all package
yarn run build

Running tests

Running test via yarn test command.

yarn test


Pull requests and stars are always welcome.

For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D



MIT © azu