
[UNMAINTAINED] A kanban board made for Gitlab.


Laboard Build Status

A kanban board made for Gitlab


  • nodejs ~ 0.10.26 or docker >= 1.4.1
  • Gitlab > 7.1

How does it work

Laboard uses a file storage for columns definition. This is the only thing it stores by itself. Everything else is managed with issues labels.

Adding an issue to a column will place a special label on it (column:*). This is how it works. Of course, Laboard keeps everything clean and removes useless labels when issues are moved. This will keep your issue tracker clean and provides you a clear view on the board.


The installation proccess is quite simple. You will first have to install some tools:

$ npm install -g bower gulp

Then clone the source repository and run gulp:

$ git clone
$ cd laboard
$ npm install
$ bower install


The Laboard configuration is minimal:

  • config/server.js:
    • gitlab_url : The URL to your Gitlab instance (for example
    • port: Port to which the HTTP server is bound
    • column_prefix: Prefix for gitlab issue label to map columns, for example an issue in the column backlog will have the label column:backlog
    • theme_prefix: Prefix for gitlab issue label, for example a red issue will have label theme:danger
    • board_prefix: Prefix for gitlab issue label, for example a starred issue will have label board:starred
    • redis: Configuration of the redis server
      • host: Hostname of the server
      • port: Port to connect to



If you already have docker installed, starting laboard is a simple one-liner:

$ docker run --name=redis --detach redis
$ docker run --name=laboard --link=redis:redis --publish=8080:8080 laboard/laboard

Ok, it's a two-liner actually.

Laboard should now be reachable using the http://localhost:8080 URL. If you are running docker through boot2docker you will have to replace localhost with the URL of the VM. You can get it by running boot2docker ip.

No docker

If you don't want to install docker on your machine, you will still have to have nodejs installed. And redis. Once everything is set up, run the following commands in the laboard's root directory:

$ npm install
$ bower install
$ node bin/server.js # OR gulp server

Do not forget to export NODE_ENV=production before running the above commands if you are running laboard on a production machine.


If you want to hack into Laboard, first, follow the installation guide. Once you are done, you'll be able to start Laboard locally thanks to docker and fig.

Using the fig up command you will get an environment with the following containers:

  • a data container mapping the ., data and docker directories
  • a redis container
  • a commander container to manage redis (listenning on port 8282)
  • a api container serving the laboard API
  • a static container serving the frontend code
  • two websocket container serving laboard websocket
  • a haproxy container in front of laboard containers

Every gulp related command should be launched on the host machine to avoid side-effects. This includes common tasks like app or watch, and test tasks like karma or test.

Before running tests, be sure to define the NODE_ENV=test.


Laboard is licensed under MIT license