
Dynamically prerender pages for bots and crawlers, with Lambda@Edge, S3 and CloudFront. No more need for isomorphic/server-side rendering!


Lambda Dynamic Prerenderer


Dynamic Rendering is, as the name implies, about rendering a page based on a dynamic condition. What we want to do is solve the very common problem of modern Progressive Web Apps not working very well with some older crawlers that are unfortunately still in use across the web, such as on those used by Facebook and LinkedIn. Our condition is therefore ”if a crawler or bot sees the page, give it prerendered markup”.

Even Google thinks this is a pretty good approach for SEO. Refer to their documents Understand the JavaScript SEO basics and Implement dynamic rendering for further reading.

For this to work, we need to intercept the browser’s request BEFORE it actually hits the server to see whether the visitor is a bot or not. This repo assumes Amazon Web Services (AWS) for the entire solution. For the edge function capability, this responsibility could probably be doled out to Cloudflare Workers or similar as well.

The individual services used will be:

  • S3 bucket for hosting a static page. I’ve included a very basic routed React application in the public folder if you need something to experiment with.
  • CloudFront for adding edge locations and a CDN for the S3-hosted site.
  • Serverless Lambda@Edge functions (4, to be exact) to intercept the browser request.
  • Serverless ”regular” Lambda function to run a lightweight instance of Google’s headless browser, Puppeteer.

All of this magic can be fairly tedious to work with from scratch, especially if you are not accustomed to AWS. Combined with the slow deployment times, it’s not really the most user-friendly mini-project I’ve done. I hope I spare some of you out there a bit of wasted effort!

The below helps with the overall steps for setting everything up, with some steps automated and some manual. Since my last version, Serverless Framework has added more support for Lambda@Edge functions, but still not enough to make me capable of deploying all the functions and setting up Cloudfront the way it's supposed to be. Note that I am not saying it's not possible, but you won't find it working like that in this repo. You should be able to automate everything (minus function deployment) through Terraform if that's your poison of choice.

An improvement on this prerenderer would be to include render-caching capabilities so you need to do less processing.



  • You will need an AWS account
  • You will need Serverless Framework installed if you are going to use the automated approach
  • Highly likely that you need to have the AWS CLI installed
  • Highly likely that you need to be logged in through the terminal/environment
  • Optional: A REST client like Insomnia if you don't really love to curl in your terminal

Create a static build of a site

Use whatever you want!

A basic, routed React application is available in the demo-site-s3 folder if you need something to experiment with. The routes are /thisview and /thatview.

Deploy the site and prerendering engine (automated)

Make sure you have an AWS account and that you're logged in through the terminal/environment.

  1. Open and set a unique bucket name
  2. Run
  3. Upon successful deployment you will receive an endpoint URL such as
  4. Try running a GET request to the prerenderer, like so:
  5. Copy the endpoint URL, and paste it into the PRERENDERER_ENDPOINT constant in src/edge/originResponse.js (should be line 3)

Deploy the site and prerendering engine (manual)

Make sure you have an AWS account and that you're logged in through the terminal/environment.

Host the site in S3

  1. Go to
  2. Deactivate anything to do with blocking access (for now, switch on things later as needed and what works)
  3. Turn on Static website hosting, point index and errors document fields to index.html
  4. Before closing the panel, note the endpoint URL
  5. In the Permissions tab, add a Bucket Policy (located in snippets/bucket-policy.json)
  6. In the Permissions tab, add a CORS configuration (located in snippets/cors.xml)

Deploy prerenderer

  1. Install the dependencies in the repo with yarn or npm install
  2. Run sls deploy to deploy the package with Serverless
  3. Upon successful deployment you will receive an endpoint URL such as
  4. Try running a GET request to the prerenderer, like so:
  5. Copy the endpoint URL, and paste it into the PRERENDERER_ENDPOINT constant in src/edge/originResponse.js (should be line 3)

Set up a CloudFront distribution for the site

  1. Go to
  2. Click Create new Distribution
  3. Make sure that Origin Domain Name is the endpoint URL from S3 (the one seen in ”Static website hosting”, which looks something like
  4. Set Allowed HTTP Methods to "GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE"
  5. Set cache TTL items to 0 when initially testing this (you probably want caching later, though!)
  6. Set Compress Objects Automatically to "Yes"
  7. Note the section named Lambda Function Associations, since this is where you will manually specify which functions are activated when requesting the CloudFront distribution
  8. Finish, then go to the Error Page tab

Make three new error responses by clicking on Create Custom Error Response

  • Set Error caching time to 0
  • Set Customize Error Response to "Yes"
  • Set Response Page Path to /index.html
  • Set HTTP Response Code to 200
  • The format is identical between all three error codes, except for the HTTP Error Code (400, 403, 404)

This is going to deploy for 5-15 minutes, so continue with the rest below.

Create Lambda@Edge functions (automated)

This is highly recommended, and will save you lots of time compared to doing it manually.

  • Run npm run deploy:edge

Create Lambda@Edge functions (manual)

  1. Go to
  2. Click Create new function
  3. Select Author from scratch
  4. Give it a good name; Node version should be 12
  5. In Execution Role, choose Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions
  6. For each function, copy-paste the supplied lambda code into the code editor
  7. Under Add triggers click CloudFront and then Deploy to Lambda@Edge
  8. You should be able to see the distribution you created (if not, you will have to wait for it to finish deploying)
  9. Cache behavior should be "*"
  10. The CloudFront event should correspond to whatever the supplied code is named (origin request, viewer response, etc.)
  11. Deploy!
  12. If you cannot deploy, you should do the next section in a new tab (you need to do it anyway)
  13. Repeat for all 4 functions

Go to IAM and give permissions to the lambdas

  1. Go to
  2. Go to Roles
  3. You should have roles created for each of the edge functions

Set access rights for functions

I am overreaching a bit on what to create, but at least the following works for me.

  1. Under Permissions, click Attach policies
  2. Filter for AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole and attach it
  3. When it's added, click Add inline policy, and go to the JSON tab; paste in the contents of snippets/lambda-log-policy.json, save it
  4. When it's added, go to the Trust relationships tab and click Edit trust relationship; paste in the contents of snippets/lambda-iam-trust-policy.json, save it

Link all Lambda Function Associations and whitelist headers

  1. Go to
  2. For each Lambda, note the ARN in the right corner (something like arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:487572315234:function:PrerenderRequest:12)
  3. You must have the last part with :12 or whatever the number might be - this corresponds to the version number, if you don't see it click the Qualifiers/Version box and switch to the version with the highest number
  4. When you have collected all the four ARNs, go to
  5. Go to Distribution settings and then to Behaviors
  6. If you don't have a behavior, create a new one, otherwise edit the previous
  7. Make sure to whitelist the following headers: Access-Control-Request-Headers, Access-Control-Request-Method, Origin, x-prerender-uri, x-resolved-user-agent, x-should-prerender
  8. At the bottom, in Lambda Function Associations open one event each for viewer request, origin request, origin response, viewer response
  9. In their respective Lambda Function ARN, paste in their corresponding ARN value including the :12 (or whatever number) bit
  10. Save
  11. Once again, everything will redeploy so have the CloudFront main view open to see the progress

Test if it will render correctly

Services that should be able to give you an indication of functionality:

If you use Insomnia or Postman, you can try GETting your Cloudfront distribution with a user-agent header like googlebot and it should respond with rendered HTML. Removing the header should in turn start returning the basic non-rendered HTML again.

Where to find logs?

Check the default Cloudwatch logs at Edge functions are currently only available in the us-east-1 region, so look for those logs in that region. Logs may also show up in whatever region the CDN thinks you are in, so in case you actually don't find any logs, look in regions close to you.

When you test Facebook or similar, the same goes for those: These are most likely going to be run from one of the North American regions.


Run the script. Also read the below from Serverless Framework's blog post on Lambda@Edge support:

**A note about removals**

When you’re done with testing you might want to remove the service via serverless remove. Note that the removal also takes a little bit longer and won’t remove your Lambda@Edge functions automatically. The reason is that AWS has to cleanup your functions replicas which can take a couple of hours. Removing the Lambda functions too early would result in an error.

The solution for this problem right now is to manually remove the Lambda@Edge functions via the AWS console after a couple of hours. You might want to automate this process with a script which issues AWS SDK calls to streamline this cleanup process.

Long story short: You will need to remove Cloudfront and Lambda@Edge functions manually.

Good luck!

Many steps, but that should about do it to add dynamic rendering!