
Langton's Ant implemented in Javascript


Langton's Ant

Langton's Ant is a simulation which has a simple set of rules, which can produce surprisingly complicated results. It is a great example of a Chaotic System, as is the case with most Cellular Automata.

Try it in your browser now

This project includes:

  1. The core simulation engine
  2. A website which can run and render the simulation
  3. A specification, syntax and compiler for a simple language to express the rules of such a system


Clone the code and run:

npm i && npm start

To run the project locally, and check the Developer Guide to see how to work with the code.

Example Simulations

Some interesting example simulations are below.


Open In Browser


Open In Browser

(1, 0, 1), (1, L, 1)
(0, R, 1), (1, 0, 1)

Open In Browser

(1, 0, 1), (0, L, 1)
(0, R, 1), (1, 0, 1)

Open In Browser

(1,R,0) (0,L,1)
(0,L,1) (1,R,1)

Open In Browser

(1,0,1) (0,L,0)
(0,R,1) (1,0,1)

Open In Browser

Ant Programs

Langton's Ant is a trivial example of a Turmite. To allow different configurations to easily be conastructed and shared, I have defined a syntax for a 'program'. A program is simply the set of rules for the system.

The program syntax is designed to make it easy to express the rules of the system with plain text, in a readable format:

The simulation applies the rules of the matrix to a given state, producting a new state.

An interface is layered on top. It renders the state, runs the simulation and provides controls to configures parameters.

The Transformation Matrix

Before understanding how a program works, it is important to understand the transformation matrix.

The transformation matrix is the complete set of rules for a turmite or ant simulation. The universe looks like this:

An element of the transformation defines that when the ant is in a given ant state and on a tile with a given tile state, what ant direction change will be made, and what tile state change will occur on the tile the ant leaves. This is a three-tuple:

(Ant State Change, Ant Direction Change, Tile State Change)

For example:

  • (1, 90, 0): Ant State increases 1, Ant turns 90 clockwise, Tile State increases 0
  • (0, -90, 1): Ant State increases 0, Ant turns 90 counter-clockwise, Tile State increases 1

The Transformation Matrix is the complete set of state transformations which are required to define a complete set of rules.

For example:

|      | T: 0      | T: 1      |
| a: 0 | (1,-90,1) | (1,-90,0) |
| a: 1 | (0,90,1)  | (0,0,1)   |

In this matrix (which defines a Fibonacci Spiral Turmite) we see the transformations which are applied for every combination of ant state and tile state.

Directions can be specified in degrees (as above), or using L for left, R for right and U for U-turn (-90, 90 and 180 degrees respectively).

Program Syntax

A program is just a representation of each element in the matrix. For example, the spiral matrix above can be written as:

(1,-90,1) (1,-90,0)
(0,90,1)  (0,0,1)

One of the goals of this project is to facilitate the easy sharing of this matrix. Readability and compactness are important. The compiler which builds the matrix from the input follows the following rules:

  1. If the program only contains L or R characters, it is expanded from shorthand, as described in the section on Shorthand Ant Transformation Matrices
  2. Any semi-colon is converted into a newline (allowing a program to be written on a single line if needed
  3. All whitespace is eliminated, except the newline at the end of each row
  4. Commas are optional between tuples
  5. If the matrix is not rectangular, or there are an incorrect number of tuples, an error is thrown

The compiler itself can be used with the following code:

const { compiler } = require('langtonsant');

const input = `
  (1, L, 1) (1, L, 1)
  (1, R, 1) (0, 0, 0)

const matrix = compiler(input);


Shorthand Ant Programs

The Langton's Ant transformation matrix is just a trivial form of a Turmite transformation matrix. An Ant is a Turmite which only has one state.

An ant program can be expressed using the full syntax above, or in a more compact form, composed just of Ls and Rs, e.g:


Which is just shorthand for the following matrix:

|      | T: 0        | T: 1        | T: 2        | T: 3        |
| a: 0 | (0, -90, 1) | (0, -90, 1) | (0, +90, 1) | (0, -90, 1) |

i.e.          L             L             R             L


Running the Code

Just clone the repo, then run:

npm install && npm start

To install dependencies and run the simulation in development mode.

Deploying the Code

To build the distribution, run:

make build

To deploy to AWS, run:

make deploy

This command will require permissions to the S3 bucket.


There is a simple CI/CD pipeline for this project:

  1. All commits build, test and lint on CircleCI 2.0
  2. Any commit to master will be built. If tests pass, it will automatically deploy to
  3. Pushing a semver tag will trigger a publish to NPM

Bump the version with npm run release.

To test the build, install the CircleCI CLI:

curl -fLSs | bash

Then run the build:

circleci config validate
circleci local execute --job build

URL Parameters

A set of parameters can be provided in the URL.

Parameter Usage
p The program string, e.g. LLRL.


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