
An intuitive and customizable Compose Multiplatform pagination composables that are built on top of lazy scrollables. Available on Android, iOS, MacOS, Linux, and Web.

MIT License


An intuitive and customizable Compose Multiplatform pagination solution built on top of lazy composables and it extends their APIs.

Basically prefix your lazy composables such as LazyColumn or LazyVerticalGrid and more to add pagination support!

Two points where in mind while creating this library:

  • Should have a simple and intuitive APIs with an easy learning curve.
  • Can be placed in your Presentation/UI layer ONLY.


  • Vertical & horizontal lists pagination using PaginatedLazyColumn & PaginatedLazyRow with the same original APIs.
  • Vertical & horizontal grids pagination using PaginatedLazyVerticalGrid & PaginatedLazyHorizontalGrid with the same original APIs.
  • Seamlessly integrate your pagination state with your your data layer.
  • Generic fetching strategies such as
    time-based, etc...
  • Resetting your pagination state using refresh() function
  • Retrying your data fetches using retryLastFailedRequest() function

Paginated Composables


    paginationState = paginationState,
    firstPageProgressIndicator = { ... },
    newPageProgressIndicator = { ... },
    firstPageErrorIndicator = { e -> // from setError
        ... e.message ...
        ... onRetry = { paginationState.retryLastFailedRequest() } ...
    newPageErrorIndicator = { e -> ... },
    // The rest of LazyColumn params
) {
        paginationState.allItems!!, // safe to access here
    ) { _, item ->
        Item(value = item)


    paginationState = paginationState,
    firstPageProgressIndicator = { ... },
    newPageProgressIndicator = { ... },
    firstPageErrorIndicator = { e -> // from setError
        ... e.message ...
        ... onRetry = { paginationState.retryLastFailedRequest() } ...
    newPageErrorIndicator = { e -> ... },
    ... // The rest of LazyRow params
) {
        paginationState.allItems!!, // safe to access here
    ) { _, item ->
        Item(value = item)


    paginationState = paginationState,
    firstPageProgressIndicator = { ... },
    newPageProgressIndicator = { ... },
    firstPageErrorIndicator = { e -> // from setError
        ... e.message ...
        ... onRetry = { paginationState.retryLastFailedRequest() } ...
    newPageErrorIndicator = { e -> ... },
    ... // The rest of LazyVerticalGrid params
) {
        paginationState.allItems!!, // safe to access here
    ) { _, item ->
        Item(value = item)


    paginationState = paginationState,
    firstPageProgressIndicator = { ... },
    newPageProgressIndicator = { ... },
    firstPageErrorIndicator = { e -> // from setError
        ... e.message ...
        ... onRetry = { paginationState.retryLastFailedRequest() } ...
    newPageErrorIndicator = { e -> ... },
    ... // The rest of LazyHorizontalGrid params
) {
        paginationState.allItems!!, // safe to access here
    ) { _, item ->
        Item(value = item)
// Int is passed as the KEY which represents your pagination fetching strategy
// Int example here means the page number but could really by anything such as a cursor, time, etc...
fun Content() {
    val paginationState = rememberPaginationState<Int, Model>(
        initialPageKey = 1,
        onRequestPage = { pageKey: Int ->
            scope.launch {
                try {
                    val page = DataSource.getPage(pageNumber = pageKey, pageSize = 10)

                        items = page.items,
                        nextPageKey = page.nextPageNumber,
                        isLastPage = page.isLastPage
                } catch (e: Exception) {

    // Your paginated composable here
class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
    // Int is passed as the KEY which represents your pagination fetching strategy
    // Int example here means the page number but could really by anything such as a cursor, time, etc...
    val paginationState = PaginationState<Int, Model>(
       initialPageKey = 1,
       onRequestPage = { loadPage(it) }
    fun loadPage(pageKey: Int) {
       viewModelScope.launch {
          try {
              val page = DataSource.getPage(pageNumber = pageKey, pageSize = 10)
                  items = page.items,
                  isLastPage = page.isLastPage
          } catch (e: Exception) {

fun Content(viewModel: MyViewModel) {
    val paginationState = viewModel.paginationState

    // Your Paginated composable here


Get the latest version via Maven Central:

(badge may not always be up to date, use the toml declaration for the latest release)

Add Maven Central repository to your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {

For Compose Multiplatform Project

lazy-pagination-compose = "1.3.7"

lazyPaginationCompose = { module = "io.github.ahmad-hamwi:lazy-pagination-compose", version.ref = "lazy-pagination-compose" }
// Compose Multiplatform
sourceSets {
    commonMain.dependencies {

For an Android Project use io.github.ahmad-hamwi:lazy-pagination-compose-android


Full sample can be found in the sample module

1- Prepare your pagination state

Create a PaginationState by remembering it in your composable or holding it in your ViewModel.

// Int is the key which in this example represents the page number
val paginationState = rememberPaginationState<Int, Model>(
    initialPageKey = 1,

Pass your onRequestPage callback when creating your PaginationState and call your data source

val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()

val paginationState = rememberPaginationState<Int, Model>(
    initialPageKey = 1,
    onRequestPage = { pageKey: Int ->
        scope.launch {
            val page = DataSource.getPage(pageNumber = pageKey, pageSize = 10,)

Append data using appendPage and flag the end of your list using isLastPage

val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()

val paginationState = rememberPaginationState<Int, Model>(
    initialPageKey = 1,
    onRequestPage = { pageKey: Int ->
        scope.launch {
            val page = DataSource.getPage(pageNumber = pageKey, pageSize = 10,)

                items = page.items,
                nextPageKey = page.nextPageNumber,
                isLastPage = page.isLastPage // optional, defaults to false

Handle errors using setError

val paginationState = rememberPaginationState<Int, Model>(
    initialPageKey = 1,
    onRequestPage = { pageKey: Int ->
        scope.launch {
            try {
                val page = DataSource.getPage(pageNumber = pageKey, pageSize = 10,)

                    items = page.items,
                    nextPageKey = page.nextPageNumber,
                    isLastPage = page.isLastPage
            } catch (e: Exception) {

2- Define your paginated composable

It can either be PaginatedLazyColumn or PaginatedLazyRow or PaginatedLazyVerticalGrid or PaginatedLazyHorizontalGrid

fun Content() {
    val paginationState = ... // either remembered here or in ViewModel
    // Or any other paginated composable
        paginationState = paginationState,
        firstPageProgressIndicator = { ... },
        newPageProgressIndicator = { ... },
        firstPageErrorIndicator = { e -> ... },
        newPageErrorIndicator = { e -> ... },
    ) {
            paginationState.allItems!!, // safe to access here
        ) { _, item ->
            Item(value = item)

Retrying your last failed request can be through retryLastFailedRequest


Refreshing can be through refresh method

    initialPageKey = 1 // optional, defaults to the value provided when creating the state

More complex sample can be found in the sample module


This library is made to help other developers out in their app developments, feel free to contribute by suggesting ideas and creating issues and PRs that would make this repository more helpful.

Honorable Mentions

Thank you for the following contributors:


You can show support by either contributing to the repository or by buying me a cup of coffee!


Copyright (C) 2024 Ahmad Hamwi

Licensed under the MIT License